Ezekiel 36:26

on 2/29/12 12:10 pm - Vancouver, WA
"I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you." While a physical heart and a spiritual heart are both given because of need, the spiritual heart is free for the asking and will take you places a physical heart never can. With a spiritual heart you also get a whole new life and it doesn't matter whether you are rich or poor, male or female or even what your ethnicity is. It is ready to be given at any time, any place and to anybody who feels they need it, all for the asking! So if you feel a hole in your life or your heart just look to our Lord and ask for your free heart, complete with a new life and all for nothing.

I would like to ask all my friends here to pray for my grand daughter and her out reach she is just getting involved in. Let me say she has had a life that would send most adults into life long therapy. Raised by a meth addicted mother, raped by her father who was also a meth cook, had a baby at barely 18 and found her babies daddy dead from suicide! These are just the major events, you can imagine her everyday life. Now here's the great part she had originallt accepted Christ as a 9ish yr old, but at 17 she came to live with us and one stipulation was she attend church with us and she was happy to. So at 17 she re-accepted Christ and is now 7 yrs clean from drugs and has 2 beautiful daughters, is engaged to a really nice guy and they all attend church regular. What I'd like prayer for is she wants to get involved in suicide awareness, she has seen soooo many people she went to school with take their lives and she is very moved to get involved. I always told her God had a plan for her or He wouldn't have let her go thru so much in her short life and now she is ready to pay it forward. So just pray that she will have the strength and ability to accomplish this as she feels very lead by the Lord to do this! Thank you for your prayers!

God bless!
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