Psalms 116:1

on 2/16/12 12:42 pm - Vancouver, WA
"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble."

I'm sure most of us have been knocked for a loop in our lives, times when we actually think of turning from God or actually doing it. Times when we feel God just can't be there because of the pain we are in at the time. However if we remember the above scripture it should give us strength to reach out to Him for His help. Only God knows the reason we are going thru the pain or devastation in a situation, we don't know if it is for our growth or someone elses. We just have to trust in His love for us and trust that He will lift us back up if we let Him. So remember the longer we are looking down at our problems we can't be looking up for His help. Always keep your eyes to the sky!

God bless!
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