Ecclesiastes 4: 9

on 2/14/12 9:23 am - Vancouver, WA
"Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor." This is a great scripture for Valentines Day after all not all loves are of a romantic types, we also have great love for our friends or should anyway! Are your friends just random people that float thru your life or are they like family? If we are in the family of God we have brothers and sisters in Christ who are our friends. I firmly believe God brings you the friends you need right now or will need in the future. He knows who you will need and why. On the same note He brings you to people He knows will need you in their lives. We have friends to help double the joy in life and share the pain. A good friend is there during the good and bad, 24/7. Remember to take time for your friends this week, maybe take someone to lunch you haven't seen in awhile.

Sorry I've been AWOL our computer is by satelite and when the weather gets bad the service does too. Some days it's just not worth the aggravation to try to get on. I no sooner get logged in somewhere and it throws me off, so sometimes I just have to take a vacation from the insanity. We're looking at another service so hopefully this won't continue.

God bless!
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