John 21: 19
This (Jesus) spoke, signifying by what death He would glorify God.
We each have been given a way to glorify God. Just as Christ glorified Him with His death. Of course we can't possibly do that, but we can by our everyday actions. Stop and think for a second before you react to something and ask yourself will this be glorifying to God? If not then stop and change direction and do what you know you should. Of course we are only human but we should try our best to glorify God in everything we do. Even unto our death, what better way to glorify our Lord than to have the pastor at your funeral male it very clear that you lived your life for one purpose only and that was for God's glory. How many lives will be impacted by that? We just never know when our actions will change someone else's life, hopefully for the better.
God bless!
We each have been given a way to glorify God. Just as Christ glorified Him with His death. Of course we can't possibly do that, but we can by our everyday actions. Stop and think for a second before you react to something and ask yourself will this be glorifying to God? If not then stop and change direction and do what you know you should. Of course we are only human but we should try our best to glorify God in everything we do. Even unto our death, what better way to glorify our Lord than to have the pastor at your funeral male it very clear that you lived your life for one purpose only and that was for God's glory. How many lives will be impacted by that? We just never know when our actions will change someone else's life, hopefully for the better.
God bless!
When my brother died, many who came to the viewing were from our church. He served in the pre-school Sunday School with his wife. It was mentioned not only in the Pastor's message, but in the eulogy given by one of his co-workers, who was also a believer.
I also appreciate that at both of my brothers' funerals, it was mentioned that they were in heaven because of what the Bible said about Christ's death, burial and resurrection.
I also appreciate that at both of my brothers' funerals, it was mentioned that they were in heaven because of what the Bible said about Christ's death, burial and resurrection.
Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer
Albert Schweitzer