Matthew 6:4
Your Father who sees in secret will Himself reward you openly.
Just like the grocery stores God has a points program where you get rewards. Altho His is much, much better than a grocery. He not only sees the bad you do but also the good you do! He also rewards us for our good deeds. It may not be right away but He is keeping track. When you do something good in His name He remembers and compensates us for glorifying Him. So go ahead and do good deeds, not for the reward but for the glory it gives to our Lord. He gave everything for us so we can certainly do some kindnesses for Him!
God bless!
Just like the grocery stores God has a points program where you get rewards. Altho His is much, much better than a grocery. He not only sees the bad you do but also the good you do! He also rewards us for our good deeds. It may not be right away but He is keeping track. When you do something good in His name He remembers and compensates us for glorifying Him. So go ahead and do good deeds, not for the reward but for the glory it gives to our Lord. He gave everything for us so we can certainly do some kindnesses for Him!
God bless!
I have found that knowing my Spiritual gifts makes doing good deeds a lot easier, and fun at times. I have also learned that our good deeds do not need to be done only in church.
Right now, I am frustrated, because I signed up to volunteer with the homeless ministry my church works with, but have been sidelined by the leg injury. There are four churches that host the homeless in the worst winter weather, and February is my church's month to host. l get such a feeling of gratitude the nights I am there, but only was able to volunteer twice in December, before I fell and got the serious leg injury.
I do know that I can cook meals to take to the church for the nights the homeless are there.
Right now, I am frustrated, because I signed up to volunteer with the homeless ministry my church works with, but have been sidelined by the leg injury. There are four churches that host the homeless in the worst winter weather, and February is my church's month to host. l get such a feeling of gratitude the nights I am there, but only was able to volunteer twice in December, before I fell and got the serious leg injury.
I do know that I can cook meals to take to the church for the nights the homeless are there.
Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer
Albert Schweitzer