More Gratitude
I sent another gratitude list to my mentor, Ruth. It could be longer, but my shoulder is hurting, and I didn't want to spend too much time typing it.
1. My heating pad. 2. My fleece robe. 3. My Diet Coke, which is helping my stomach feel better. 4. My gas heater. 5. My prescription plan, which paid a little over $20,000 toward my medications. I paid a little over !,000 in 2011. 6. My dog, who keeps me company each day. Plus, he keeps me from feeling lonely and sorry for myself. 7. My family, especially my kids and the Munchkins. 8. My salvation. 9. God’s daily provision of all of my needs. 10. My leg is healing well. 11. I can afford to see my doctors, especially the specialists. love you, trish
1. My heating pad. 2. My fleece robe. 3. My Diet Coke, which is helping my stomach feel better. 4. My gas heater. 5. My prescription plan, which paid a little over $20,000 toward my medications. I paid a little over !,000 in 2011. 6. My dog, who keeps me company each day. Plus, he keeps me from feeling lonely and sorry for myself. 7. My family, especially my kids and the Munchkins. 8. My salvation. 9. God’s daily provision of all of my needs. 10. My leg is healing well. 11. I can afford to see my doctors, especially the specialists. love you, trish
Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer
Albert Schweitzer