Let's try it again!
OK my lungs are still messed up but I'm gonna try to get back to daily writing. We've got some new folks and I don't want to let them down. Remember this is always up for discussion so feel free to jump in and share your ideas!
What a great way to start the week, discussing love! God's love is always with us no matter what we do. With people sometimes we never know if they love us or they put conditions on it. Many times parents do that to their children, "I'll love you sooo much if get straight A's" "No one will love you if you act like that!" It is especially important for children to know they are loved unconditionally, the same way God loves us. I like the way my Daily Bread put it, "It's a rushing stream that flows from His heart into ours." Since we have such an inexhaustable supply we should pass it out freely to others!
God bless!
What a great way to start the week, discussing love! God's love is always with us no matter what we do. With people sometimes we never know if they love us or they put conditions on it. Many times parents do that to their children, "I'll love you sooo much if get straight A's" "No one will love you if you act like that!" It is especially important for children to know they are loved unconditionally, the same way God loves us. I like the way my Daily Bread put it, "It's a rushing stream that flows from His heart into ours." Since we have such an inexhaustable supply we should pass it out freely to others!
God bless!
I remember when my son was going through a lot of emotional turmoil, and he and his Dad were not speaking to each other. My son got the courage to tell me he is bisexual. I told him flat out that there was nothing he could ever say or do that would make me stop loving him. He lived with me at the time, and this was shortly after my divorce. He struggled with a heroin addiction for a couple of years, and I let him live with me for nine months, but had to send him to his Dad's because he would not stop using, even after multiple treatment programs. I told him I loved him, but could not live with his addiction. He was already an adult when all of this transpired.
Good topic.
Good topic.
Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer
Albert Schweitzer