Second Chances
Today I worked on the lesson on second chances. First she discussed Aaron, Moses' brother, and how he led the nation of Israel into making the golden calf to worship while Moses was on Mt. Sinai. Yet, God named him the high priest of Israel.
Then we looked at Sarah. Sarah gave up on waiting for God to give her the son He promised, so she gave Hagar to her husband to have the son God promised. In spite of her lack of faith, God did still keep His Word, and gave her the son.
Finally, we studied Peter. Christ told him he would betray the Lord three times, before the rooster crowed. Peter did not believe he would do that, yet still did it. When the rooster cried, Peter remembered the words Christ said to him, and wept bitterly over his sin. Yet, in spite of his betrayal, Christ told him to feed His sheep and take care of them,.
I am grateful that God is a God of second chances, Between 2007 and January 2010, I wrestled with my alcoholic relapse, and did not believe I could stop drinking. I landed in the psych ward of a hospital, and then in an inpatient substance abuse rehab. I have been off alcohol since then. Most recently, I had a problem with abusing Percocet, prescribed by a doctor of extreme back pain. I only abused for a few days, and then sought professional help for it. I began an outpatient substance abuse treatment program last night. Today's study gave me hope that God will still, somehow be able to use me for His glory.
God bless.
Albert Schweitzer
Trish, thank for sharing your study with us on second chances....yes, God is Good, and because of that I too was saved from becoming addicted to easy after wls.....always said, Not me,,,,well learned never to say NEVER......I am thankful to God for letting my heart and life be open to him and letting me confess my weakness and he was there for me....I started drinking three years after wls after moving to florida as snowbirds...they had happy hour each day and I never like wine before sugery, and it....but in the beginning said it was my fruit exchange, until I drank the whole orchard, and starting hiding the bottles from my husband and filling the empty ones with he wouldn't husband and I have never drunk since we were married and it wasen't something to even think about....well I am grateful to God and to my husband who knows everything now., I am clean over six months or more.....and tell my story in my wls support groups to pre opps never to say met before, when Paul and I brought down the maps for your school project........remember..........Lois
Albert Schweitzer