Divine appointments
We've all been there you are rushing to get to work and the traffic slows to a crawl, you're gonna be late, gotta hurry! Then 2 mi. down the road the car in front of you get**** broadside, now you are thankful the traffic slowed! I'm an impatient kind of person so when traffic is slow on the one road in and out of our house I can get a little testy, but I do try to remind myself that God may have a reason for this. Maybe to avoid something or to put me in a position to meet someone I need to know or they need to know me. We never know the why's of our lives but try to remember everything happens for a reason!
God bless!
God bless!
I tend to lack patience a lot as well. When I want answers, I want them now. While driving, I tend to drive in the left lane, and I tend to do around 80 mph most of the way.
God is slowly teaching me patience. Example: I called my psychiatrist two days ago for his input on something, and he has yet to return my call. This is not the first time either. If he were not such a good psychiatrist, I would not stay with him.
God is slowly teaching me patience. Example: I called my psychiatrist two days ago for his input on something, and he has yet to return my call. This is not the first time either. If he were not such a good psychiatrist, I would not stay with him.
Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer
Albert Schweitzer