A car with no reverse
A car with no reverse is a big problem! For us Christians we shouldn't go in reverse. Going reverse for us is a no-no, we need to always forge ahead to our goal, which is to be more Christ like. We can't go forward if we are looking backwards. So we have to let go of those past issues and look forward to our ultimate goal. When we try walk ahead but look backwards you can trust that we will fall. So to avoid that fall keep your eyes forward at all times.
God bless!
God bless!
I agree that there are negative consequences to dwelling in the past, especially when the devil wants to use our past mistakes to torment us, and cause us to lose our focus, God's awesome grace.
But there are times when it is necessary to discuss the past in therapy to learn what unconciously is triggering inappropriate reactions to present day stressors. But once resolved, it should be given to the Lord, and then claim the victory in Him.
But there are times when it is necessary to discuss the past in therapy to learn what unconciously is triggering inappropriate reactions to present day stressors. But once resolved, it should be given to the Lord, and then claim the victory in Him.
Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
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Albert Schweitzer
I totally agree some folks do need to address the past to live the present and future. I'm so thankful to have had awesome parents and family in general. I was able to leave the past there because there just wasn't anything to drag along with me but I understand that lots have to face that first. Thanks for pointing that out because until the past is dealt with, when needed, one is stuck and unable to move forward.