Tick, tick, tick......
Sorry I missed yesterday. It was just one of those days I didn't get a thing accomplished. Had a doc appt. mid afternoon and the rest of the day was shot after that. It takes me so long to get rolling in the AM that the days half gone before I ever get up. Anyway I'm here today so let's roll!
That ticking clock reminds us that our time here is limited. To some it is terrifying but to Christians we should see it as time to gain even more wisdom. We should spend our time trying to be more Christ like, praying and meeting with other believers. Are we spending our time wisely? I have to be the first to admit I don't always spend my time the best way, not doing anything terrible just could use my time better. No matter what age we are we can always take the opportunity to grow in our spiritual life.
God bless!
That ticking clock reminds us that our time here is limited. To some it is terrifying but to Christians we should see it as time to gain even more wisdom. We should spend our time trying to be more Christ like, praying and meeting with other believers. Are we spending our time wisely? I have to be the first to admit I don't always spend my time the best way, not doing anything terrible just could use my time better. No matter what age we are we can always take the opportunity to grow in our spiritual life.
God bless!
Hi Karen,
I will confess that I do not spend my time wisely a lot of times. BUT, it has improved greatly in the past five years. In AA, we have a saying about spirituality, we work for "Progress not perfection." I used to think if I was not exactly like I ought to be, then I was a total failure. I also used to measure myself against women who were raised in normal Christian homes, who had perfect marriages, and never did any of certain sins. Well, in AA, I also learned to measure myself against my past self. I was repeatedly told to compare myself to myself.
So, now, at the end of each day, I do a self-evaluation. Did I help someone today? Did I get to an AA meeting? How was my food? Did I have my devotions? And, now that I have moved, I have to make sure I get some boxes empty and put out to trash. If the answer is "No" to any of my questions, I did not use my time as wisely as I know I should.
Hope your tootsie keep getting better each day. Today's weather was especially rainy, so I was inconsistent with wearing the boot. I really hate the idea of putting it on when I am getting out of the car, if it is raining, because I will get soaked. Plus, I dread getting it wet, because it is made of a fabric which is thick, so I know it would be a long time drying.
I will confess that I do not spend my time wisely a lot of times. BUT, it has improved greatly in the past five years. In AA, we have a saying about spirituality, we work for "Progress not perfection." I used to think if I was not exactly like I ought to be, then I was a total failure. I also used to measure myself against women who were raised in normal Christian homes, who had perfect marriages, and never did any of certain sins. Well, in AA, I also learned to measure myself against my past self. I was repeatedly told to compare myself to myself.
So, now, at the end of each day, I do a self-evaluation. Did I help someone today? Did I get to an AA meeting? How was my food? Did I have my devotions? And, now that I have moved, I have to make sure I get some boxes empty and put out to trash. If the answer is "No" to any of my questions, I did not use my time as wisely as I know I should.
Hope your tootsie keep getting better each day. Today's weather was especially rainy, so I was inconsistent with wearing the boot. I really hate the idea of putting it on when I am getting out of the car, if it is raining, because I will get soaked. Plus, I dread getting it wet, because it is made of a fabric which is thick, so I know it would be a long time drying.
Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer
Albert Schweitzer

Yep it's sooooo important not to measure yourself against anyone else whether it be in WLS or everyday life. We can use someone else as a person we would like to strive to be like but not to the point that we beat ourselves up over it. We are each a gem stone in the ring of life, no 2 are alike!
I know what you mean about the dreaded boot, I think I have 2 or 3 of them still kicking around here from past surgeries. Thankfully this time they gave me a shoe type, so much cooler for the summer time. In the past I've used a plastic grocery bag over my boot to keep it dry,just tied it above the boot. You do have to be really carefull tho cause it can get slippery. I think I only did it when I was using crutches too so I had extra support. They would take months to dry I think if they got wet!
Take care and stay dry!
I know what you mean about the dreaded boot, I think I have 2 or 3 of them still kicking around here from past surgeries. Thankfully this time they gave me a shoe type, so much cooler for the summer time. In the past I've used a plastic grocery bag over my boot to keep it dry,just tied it above the boot. You do have to be really carefull tho cause it can get slippery. I think I only did it when I was using crutches too so I had extra support. They would take months to dry I think if they got wet!

Hi Karen,
The boot I am wearing now is worse than the surgery boots. It has a thick sole, and goes up to my knee. It is thick fabric and four velcro straps, two on the top of the foot and two around my calf. It is heavy, and keeps my ankle from bending. It has two metal strip that run up on either side of the leg. Mine is falling apart, so I am looking into replacing it tomorrow.
The boot I am wearing now is worse than the surgery boots. It has a thick sole, and goes up to my knee. It is thick fabric and four velcro straps, two on the top of the foot and two around my calf. It is heavy, and keeps my ankle from bending. It has two metal strip that run up on either side of the leg. Mine is falling apart, so I am looking into replacing it tomorrow.
Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer
Albert Schweitzer