Be your own hero.
Well my surgery went well and my foot is finally not hurting so bad.
How often do we get caught in the hero worship trap? We admire someone for their talents and want to be like them. We may try to look like them, act like them or even try to be better than they are. Well you know what, God made you to be you, not the person you idolize. Since God doesn't make mistakes we have to trust that He made us just the way He wanted us to be. If not He would have made you like your hero and then neither of you would be special!
This is especially important with weight loss surgery because try as we might not all of us end up where we would like to be. Myself I only lost about 40 lbs and have gained back 10 of those so I'm pretty much where I started. It finally dawned on me tho that I'm still a very special person in God's eyes. No matter what I look like to others here on earth God sees me as His own wonderful child. So even tho I may not pass human inspection I certainly DO pass my Lord's inspection. He made me and He made me perfect in His eyes so what do I care if an earthly person looks down on me. We need to learn to be happy in our own bodies no matter what that body looks like.
I'm not saying we shouldn't have surgery just that IF it doesn't come out the way we'd hoped it doesn't mean we are less than.
God bless!
How often do we get caught in the hero worship trap? We admire someone for their talents and want to be like them. We may try to look like them, act like them or even try to be better than they are. Well you know what, God made you to be you, not the person you idolize. Since God doesn't make mistakes we have to trust that He made us just the way He wanted us to be. If not He would have made you like your hero and then neither of you would be special!
This is especially important with weight loss surgery because try as we might not all of us end up where we would like to be. Myself I only lost about 40 lbs and have gained back 10 of those so I'm pretty much where I started. It finally dawned on me tho that I'm still a very special person in God's eyes. No matter what I look like to others here on earth God sees me as His own wonderful child. So even tho I may not pass human inspection I certainly DO pass my Lord's inspection. He made me and He made me perfect in His eyes so what do I care if an earthly person looks down on me. We need to learn to be happy in our own bodies no matter what that body looks like.
I'm not saying we shouldn't have surgery just that IF it doesn't come out the way we'd hoped it doesn't mean we are less than.
God bless!
Hi Karen,
I posted on the other thread how the move went. I like this topic. I had the WLS to get into normal sizes. After my relapse with alcohol, I also picked up sugar, and regained 40 pounds of the over 100 I lost. Those 40 are still there, but that is because while I have been sober almost 20 months, the sugar habit still plagues me. Also, the orthopedic injuries have cutback on my exercise regimen.
But regardless of the number on the scale, I am special and must remember that no matter what. Maybe if I kept that in mind, I would not be as tempted to give into the sugar.
I posted on the other thread how the move went. I like this topic. I had the WLS to get into normal sizes. After my relapse with alcohol, I also picked up sugar, and regained 40 pounds of the over 100 I lost. Those 40 are still there, but that is because while I have been sober almost 20 months, the sugar habit still plagues me. Also, the orthopedic injuries have cutback on my exercise regimen.
But regardless of the number on the scale, I am special and must remember that no matter what. Maybe if I kept that in mind, I would not be as tempted to give into the sugar.
Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer
Albert Schweitzer

I so wish folks could realize the truth in this! I read soooo many posts from women and men who have less than zero self esteem just because of their weight and they just need to kick that attitude. Maybe because I come from a family of big people not just over weight but big like all my great uncles (5) were over 6'2" and most were overe 300lbs. Just big ol' people so my being over weight wasn't a big deal and I was raised to be proud of myself no matter what I looked like. I've always felt good enough about myself to dress nicely and not let people walk on me. My daughter is also a big girl and she has awesome self esteem, she isn't afraid to try anything. Fortunately I've not been discriminated against either but again I think that is because I present myself with respect and expect it back. Some of these poor folks are afraid to even poke their nose out the door. I wish I could just do an "I'm awesome" class! It breaks my heart that they feel so badly about themselves!