Ash Wednesday Blessing
Albert Schweitzer

My deepest time to learn this lesson was during my very painful divorce, when I felt that my whole life was a mistake, and that I was robbed by God of happiness. I had this selfish thinking that IF, I had not been traumatized as a child, and molested as an adolescent, I would not have become the alcoholic nutcase that hurt my family for years with my distorted thinking and flip-outs.
So, when my husband left me, I blamed God. I would call my dear friend in Florida, and just rail on God's decisions. So many of my friends grew up in normal, sane homes, and became normal sane women who had normal, sane marriages and lives. That was not my case. My friend helped me, and reminded me that God works together the experiences I had for the good. My therapist told me that I would make a good therapist because I could relate to so many people who come for help.
I went to graduate school and got a Masters in Social Work, and have done individual therapy and group therapy with many people, and hope to do more.
Another time, I had to bury both of my brothers at a young age, one four years ago, and the other three years ago. God is in control was my anchor. I spent a lot of time meditating on Psalm 139, and the verse about God knowing the number of our days kept going through my mind.
Sorry to babble.
Albert Schweitzer