Sunday's Blessing
Today's message won't paste, so I will improvise. It is based on Romans 8:31-39. It is one of my favorite passages, because it discusses the inseparable relationship we have with the Lord. Regardless of anything we do, or others do, including Satan, we can't be separated from the Lord. Once we are adopted into His family, we are His forever.
This was so hard for me to grasp in my early days of walking with the Lord. Relationships here on earth end. People die, move away, walk away, end marriages, become estranged. Yet, that does not happen with God. He is our Abba, Daddy, and He is consistent and never ending in His love. It is like we are super-glued to Him for eternity.
I am grateful for this, because I have struggled with depression lately, and find this very comforting.
Albert Schweitzer