Today's Blessings
The Greater Purpose of Blessings
It is God's nature to bless. However, we need to understand that He has a greater purpose in mind than we may realize. His ultimate goal is far more encompassing than just to make us happy, peaceful, protected, and prosperous. In fact, it is never the Lord's intention for His blessings to end with us. Rather, He wants them to flow out to others as part of His plan for the whole earth.
Today's devotions comes from In Touch Ministries, by Dr. Charles Stanley. Above is the first paragraph of his devotion. I think it is appropriate for us to read it, and meditate on it, as Karen prepares herself for her surgery. She has blessed us in getting this forum back up and running. She has blessed us by posting her meditations daily. Now, it is time for us to bless her, with our prayers and notes here.
I used to be very selfish, and self-absorbed, and always seeking for what people could do for me. Yet, God changed me with the help of His Word, and my participation in AA. Little things blessed me, like people calling to say they are thinking about me. A friend from OH visiting me when I had my WLS. Now, I try to bless those around me. I keep a box of greeting cards handy, with various types of cards in it. When I read my church's prayer chain, I learn of various illnesses and losses, and grab the appropriate card and put it in the mail. I have been blessed by such cards, and pray for the families and ill as I write the cards out.
How can you bless someone today? Be sure to pray for Karen as she undergoes her surgery. Call a friend from church, and let them know they are in your prayers today. Write Karen a note here, or PM her on OH.
Albert Schweitzer