American Idol(s)
Little play on words folks. Today we are looking at idols, they don't have to be idols as in biblical days. We have idols these days too and while it is good to have people we look up to they have to take the proper place in our lives. If they are all consuming, they are taking the place of God. That is not good. If there is anyone or anything that is more important to you than God then that is a big problem. God has to be number 1 in our lives, He rightfully demands this from us. Sometimes this means to the exclusion of family and friends, which is indeed very difficult. However if they are taking us away from our life with God we have to make sure they are put in their proper place. This is one way satan lures us away from our Savior by teasing us with idols whether it be a person or a thing. Satan loves to steer us off track! So remember to give God the number one place in our lives and we can't go wrong!
I would appreciate prayer as I go in Thursday morning to get my enraged gall bladder out. The doc said I have a 4 centimeter stone which I guess is huge. He's going to try laprascopic but with the size of the stone he may have to do open. I'll just be glad to get it out! Thanks all and God bless! Karen
I would appreciate prayer as I go in Thursday morning to get my enraged gall bladder out. The doc said I have a 4 centimeter stone which I guess is huge. He's going to try laprascopic but with the size of the stone he may have to do open. I'll just be glad to get it out! Thanks all and God bless! Karen
Hi Karen,
I have to confess that I have had my share of idols, which distracted me from the Lord more often than not. Some have been food, alcohol, and men. Those were the big ones. The minor ones include television, Internet, and other hobbies. Bottom line is, I have neglected my daily devotions many times, due to being distracted by the television, or computer.
Karen, could you PM me your snail address. I would like to send you a card while you recuperate from your surgery.
I have to confess that I have had my share of idols, which distracted me from the Lord more often than not. Some have been food, alcohol, and men. Those were the big ones. The minor ones include television, Internet, and other hobbies. Bottom line is, I have neglected my daily devotions many times, due to being distracted by the television, or computer.
Karen, could you PM me your snail address. I would like to send you a card while you recuperate from your surgery.
Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer
Albert Schweitzer