SONday Morning Coffee
Good SONday morning everyone. It is rainy here and a little chilly, but the coffee sure does warm the heart. So does the SON! If ya let Him shine.
What are your plans for the day? Allison, Torey, and I are going to church. Allison is in a program and I want to be there for her and to see my baby who is 17 perform. Lucy and her family "might" come to the 10:45 service and watch, if they are able. My heart goes out to my sweet wife and I want to take away the hurt and pain of losing her Mom, but I have to let God and time take care of that. She is my soul mate and such an awesome wife and I can't stand to see her hurt. I just make sure that I am here for her and let her hang on to me all she wants. It is hard, but we know w/o a doubt where Donna is. NO DOUBT!
So, are ya enjoying coffee this morning? Crystal Light (or the knock off which is just as good)? Whatever you are enjoying, let it sooth ya and enjoy it. I am with my coffee at 4:40 a.m. HAHA!
Y'all have a wonderful day and know that the Culpepper home wishes you the best day ever!!!!
What are your plans for the day? Allison, Torey, and I are going to church. Allison is in a program and I want to be there for her and to see my baby who is 17 perform. Lucy and her family "might" come to the 10:45 service and watch, if they are able. My heart goes out to my sweet wife and I want to take away the hurt and pain of losing her Mom, but I have to let God and time take care of that. She is my soul mate and such an awesome wife and I can't stand to see her hurt. I just make sure that I am here for her and let her hang on to me all she wants. It is hard, but we know w/o a doubt where Donna is. NO DOUBT!
So, are ya enjoying coffee this morning? Crystal Light (or the knock off which is just as good)? Whatever you are enjoying, let it sooth ya and enjoy it. I am with my coffee at 4:40 a.m. HAHA!
Y'all have a wonderful day and know that the Culpepper home wishes you the best day ever!!!!
For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"

Oh Randall,
I am so sorry I did not know that Lucy's Mom went to heaven recently. My condolences to you and her. I will keep you all in my prayers.
I am so sorry I did not know that Lucy's Mom went to heaven recently. My condolences to you and her. I will keep you all in my prayers.
Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer
Albert Schweitzer