Life Plan Devotion #171 [Wash some feet]
I trust you had a good weekend, and are ready for a great work week. For those of you who are following the "romance of the century," Leah and Regan continue to make wedding plans. Just when they thought they'd "thought of everything," more details have come up, ones they hadn't thought of. Leah's feeling a bit overwhelmed, but, hey, that's why you give yourself 6 months to plan a wedding [which they didn't do]. So, I appreciate your prayers that cool heads will prevail and that we don't end up with a bridezilla on our hands.
Countdown to wedding: 55 days.
Life Plan Devotion #171 [Wash some feet]
John 13: 1, 4-5, 15 [NLT] "Before the Passover celebration, Jesus knew that His hour had come to leave this world and return to His Father. He had loved His disciples during His ministry on earth, and now He loved them to the very end... So He got up from the table, took off His robe, wrapped a towel around His waist, and poured water into a basin. Then He began to wash the disciples' feet, drying them with the towel He had around Him... 'I have given you an example to follow. Do as I have done to you.'"
The Son of God came not as a proud master who demanded service from others but as a humble servant who delighted in helping and serving others. In stooping down to do the most menial job (washing His disciples' feet), Jesus showed them that true leaders serve their followers. To follow Jesus' example and serve others, we start by allowing Him to serve us, by experiencing His cleansing power in our life.
What this has to do with weight loss: As you experience Jesus' cleansing power in your life, you can serve others. You can share your story, listen to others, feel their pain, and stand by them in the tough times of the weight-loss journey. As you support others in the weight-loss process, you will be strengthened to continue on your own journey.
Today, find someone's feet that you can wash. Minister to someone else, bless that person, and you will be blessed as well. Listen to Michael Card singing "The Basin and the Towel."
ObesityHelp Support Group Leader and Support Group Coach
Have a great day.
ObesityHelp Support Group Leader and Support Group Coach
Hi Mary
Yes, I was born, raised and live in a beautiful paradise called DR!!! What a coincidence!! We had a summer house very near Jarabacoa, in a little neighborhood called El Montaña.. great weather and breathtaking sights there.. unfortunately we had to give up the house because we did not have time to go with some frequency and to take care of it. I'm glad they have dominican friends and that they're spreading God's word outside the US!! I love your daughter's pre-wedding story.. loved the story when her fiance kneeled down and proposed, and also felt related with the few months left to prepare a wedding because I was also through that process almost 4 years ago.. we only had 5 months to plan and execute everything, and let me tell you we had the wedding of my dreams.. nothing to regret, nothing that I missed or would have done in another way.. She wont become a bridezilla because she has the Power of God making things happening in a miracleous way, and my only advice for her is to hear advices and to let her friends and family help, sometimes we want almost perfect events and we certainly humans can not control everything! Letting friends and family help will give her some release and time to enjoy this special time, and to be a guest in her own wedding.. I was blessed with a Mom who searched Heaven and Earth for the exact color I wanted for my bridesmaids' dress and friends who took care of every lace to be put in the little chimes, took care of the flower girls' headset, many things I can't even remember.. I hope this is a beautiful time to enjoy together as a family!