Life Plan Devotion #153 [Breaking down the barrier]

on 9/9/09 5:01 pm - Winfield, KS
Hi, Everyone.
     If you frequent the Christianity forum, you may have read the following, which I posted yesterday. If so, just skip down to the devotion. I just wanted to share this with everyone, to praise the Lord for continuing to answer our prayers. Please pray for those having surgery or recovering from surgery today. Just a reminder, I'll be posting the Flashback Friday Devotion tomorrow and, Lord willing, I'll be back on Monday. As always, I love hearing from you. 
     My oldest daughter, Leah, is in her early 30s. She is a single mom (she adopted her son when he was about 18 months old but has been with him since he was a newborn). She and my grandson spent 4 years in the Dominican Republic, where she was a missionary teacher.
It has been my daughter's desire to marry a godly man. She does not date, as she believed God would bring the right man for her into her life, and they would both know it. My grandson has been praying for a father. My daughter has been praying for a husband. With both of them, I have talked about the verse, "Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart." I shared that the word "delight" in the Hebrew means to be "soft, pliable, moldable."
     For the past year, my daughter has been focusing on being moldable. She has worked on all areas of her life (physically, emotionally, and spiritually). She has become much more organized yet flexible, and she has lost 70 lbs.
     There is a young man (several years her junior) from Indiana, who also served in the D.R., and they've been communicating via the internet and by phone. Last night, he asked if he could court her. He plans to move to Kansas, in order to do that.
     While I have not met this young man, my husband has, and he approves. My grandson doesn't know yet, but he will be so happy, because he adores this young man! Actually, he told me several years ago that this would happen. Let me explain.
     One Christmas, when they were home from the D.R. for the holidays, I asked my grandson if he prays for God to bring him a daddy, and he said, "I used to, Nana, but now I just say, 'Thank You, God, for bringing me a daddy.'" I asked why he prays that way. He said that not too long before, when they were in the D.R., he prayed (just like he did every night) for Jesus to bring him a daddy, and he said that he heard Jesus say, "I will, and it is Regan" (the young man's name).
     Here it is, several years later, and while my grandson no longer talks about it, I know he hasn't forgotten what Jesus said. I've asked my daughter to let me be present when she and Regan tell Dylan about their relationship, because I want to see Dylan's face when he realizes that God has answered his prayer!
     I'm sitting here, weeping, because I'm so happy and grateful that we serve a loving Heavenly Father, who cares about the desires of a mother, a daughter, and a grandson. Thanks for letting me share, and for reading this long post.

Life Plan Devotion #153 [Breaking down the barrier]

I John 1:9 "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness" (NIV).

     I have learned some lessons from my own wilderness wanderings, and I have shared several with you:
          1) Even in the wilderness, God provides and guides.
          2) Sin will stop the flow of God's provision to you.
     Today, let's briefly look at Lesson #3, that repentance is the solution to the problem/barrier of unconfessed sin stopping the flow of God's provision to you.
     It is crucial that you daily reflect on how you are living your life, what you are doing, saying, even thinking. Unconfessed sin is a spiritual cancer. Do not allow it to spread. I John 1:9 is a wonderful promise, and it is the solution to the problem.
     Just as I John 1:9 states, when you know of (or the Holy Spirit reveals) an unconfessed sin, immediately confess it, knowing that the Lord is faithful and just, and forgiveness is instantaneous.
     Yes, Jesus' sacrifice on the Cross paid for all the sins of mankind--past, present, and future, but it is up to each of us to safeguard our close walk with Him, as well as break down the barrier of our individual shortcomings which can keep God's blessings from flowing to us, by utilizing confession and repentance. How true the saying, "Confession is good for the soul."

What this has to do with weight loss: The definition of "sin" is "missing the mark," and based on that definition, I miss the mark in my weight-loss journey quite often. Now, I can choose to feel condemned by that or I can choose to confess it, repent of it, and allow the Lord to help me to do better next time. All too often, it seems we do the former and just beat ourselves up by our lack of self-control or our laziness or our "cheats." Let's make a better decision, and choose the I John 1:9 approach, truly making each day a new start, even in our weight-loss journey.

Prayer for Today:
"Heavenly Father, I know I miss the mark often, daily it seems. My desire is to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit, who is faithful to shine His light on each area that I need to get right with You. May I also keep a clean slate, confessing and repenting each time I sin in thought, word, or deed. I thank You that forgiveness is assured. May I do my part to bring down every barrier that keeps Your provision from coming to me. I pray in Jesus' Name. Amen."

Go forth today, with nothing between you and the Savior.

"Don't tell God how big your storm is; tell your storm how BIG your God is!"

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