
Flashback Friday Devotion #22 [Metamorphosis]

on 6/11/09 6:08 pm, edited 6/11/09 9:55 pm - Winfield, KS
Hi, Everyone.
My daughter bought a butterfly "cage" and 5 caterpillars. For the first time, I watched how, over a period of days, those ugly caterpillars attached themselves to a special piece of cardboard, spun their crysallis, and, after days under our watchful gaze, finally, emerged as butterflies. The first one came out too soon, or was deformed, for he was unable to fly. The others came out at just the right time, and availed themselves of the sugar water-coated cotton ball and gained nourishment. In a few days, those 4 butterflies were flying around in the cage, and we knew it was time to let them go.
It was a bittersweet moment, as we 3 "butterfly parents" took the cage outside, unzipped the door to the cage, and gently coached each butterfly to come out. I was surprised we had to do any coaching, that there wasn't some sort of natural urge to leave their netted home and join the natural world. The butterflies truly seemed reluctant. Once the first one left, however, the others followed more quickly. When the last one flew away, I almost cried. Seriously.
There are many lessons one can learn from the butterfly, but I'll save most of those lessons for future devotions, perhaps. For now, I'll leave it to you to ponder. Today's devotion should get you started, though. Feel free to post your butterfly lessons. I love hearing from you.

Today's devotion is from my personal journal dated April 30, 2007.

Flashback Friday Devotion #22 [Metamorphosis]

     I water walk in a friend's indoor pool 3-5 times a week. It's a great place to pray! As I was preparing to pray today, I looked out one of the windows and saw a monarch butterfly. I love butterflies. To me, they are true miracles of nature...how God takes a fat, fuzzy caterpillar and turns it into a beautiful butterfly.
     The Lord brought to mind that whole process called "metamorphosis," and I knew that was the topic for today. The Lord reminded me of some verses I had memorized in the past, and when I got home, I looked them up.
     Romans 12:1-2 says, "...By the mercies of God, present your body a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual act of worship. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect."
     God's mercy and grace motivates me to offer myself to the Lord. Grace leads me to holiness, to pleasing the Lord with my body, and to true worship.
     I want to present my body to God, as a living sacrifice. I don't want to hold back anything! I prayed, "Oh, Father, how I have abused this body You gave to me! I have used it to gratify my cravings. Now, I present my body, all of me, to You. Receive me as a living sacrifice. May my body be dead to those things that dishonor You. Thank You for living in, working through, and using me to draw others to You. I worship You."
     The Lord has done a great work of renewing my mind through His Word, and that's truly a miracle when one knows my past, my story. Now, I know He wants to renew my mind in a way that will show in a transformation of my body. It's exciting!
     God gave me the idea of presenting my body to Him as a living sacrifice, first thing in the morning, then "putting on" the armor He has provided (Ephesians 6:11-17). I will then have my quiet time, ending in prayer. In my prayer time, I will include time to dwell on Jesus and His perfect sacrifice on the cross, and how I am to die to my flesh. I will ask Him to help me avoid temptation, giving Him my day.
     Renewing my mind is really just thinking differently, and I know that thinking differently will lead to acting/behaving differently. It's happening already. I am experiencing a decreased desire for food. I am eating less and being satisfied more by smaller portions. I am hungrier for God than for food. That is definitely by the grace and mercy of God, for I could NEVER do that on my own!
     I love how this is a "God Gain" lifestyle, rather than a "Weight Loss" program. I look forward to the day when people will begin to notice that I'm losing weight, because it will be an opportunity to tell them about what the Lord is doing in my life. One day, I'll be able to share how God lifted this fat caterpillar, who could barely inch along in the mud, and caused her to soar in freedom. Soon I'll be a butterfly, by the mercy of God and for the glory of God!

Today, consider what stage of metamorphosis you are in, and express thanksgiving to the Creator for how far you've come and for how He will help you find the freedom to soar!

"Don't tell God how big your storm is; tell your storm how BIG your God is!"

     ObesityHelp Support Group Leader and Support Group Coach
(deactivated member)
on 6/12/09 6:11 am - OH
Hi Mary,

This devotion reminded me of the scripture in 2 Corinthians 5:17 "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new."

Absolutely, compared to last year, I have emerged from my crysallis.  Not just in physical appearance, but in health and spirit as well.  What a glorious thing it is to be able to change our lives as we turn our will to the Father.

Take care,
on 6/12/09 7:24 am - Winfield, KS
Hi, Vickie.
What a wonderful, appropriate scripture! Don't you just love how the Holy Spirit brings His Word to mind, after we hide it in our heart first? I know I do. God is all about "making all things new." He is so faithful.
Thank you for reading and replying. You are a most beautiful butterfly!
Soon I'll Be a Butterfly,
Mary :)
"Don't tell God how big your storm is; tell your storm how BIG your God is!"

     ObesityHelp Support Group Leader and Support Group Coach