
Life Plan Devotion #93 [God's Armor--Helmet of Salvation, Part XI]

on 5/26/09 7:02 pm - Winfield, KS
Hi, Everyone.
Would you post an update on yourself? I'd like to know how you're doing in your weight-loss journey, in life in general, what the Lord's been teaching you, etc. If you have any prayer requests, let me know, too. Thanks, in advance.
I'm excited to get my hair colored later this morning. Does that mean I don't get out much? :)

Life Plan Devotion #93 [God's Armor--Helmet of Salvation, Part XI]

     The enemy will provide you with multiple opportunities to give in to his third most common fear, the fear of sickness and disease. Have no fear. You have on the Helmet of Salvation (Deliverance). Now, pick up the Sword of the Spirit (the Word of God), and listen to your Commander and Heavenly Father speak to you.
     "My son [daughter], pay attention to what I say; listen closely to My words. Do not let them out of your sight, keep them within your heart; for they are life to those who find them and health to a man's [woman's] whole body" (Proverbs 4:20-22). God's Word is life and health. If you don't know what God has to say in the Bible, how can you expect to be victorious over Satan in anything.
     If you are a believer who does not read God's Word, except along with the preacher during your one visit to church per week, then you have not exercised your spiritual muscles. And if you don't regularly exercise your spiritual muscles, you will not have the strength it takes to lift up the Sword of the Spirit given to you by God Himself, much less use it against your enemy.
     Do you want life and health? Then you must pay attention to what God has to say, listen closely to His Words, look at them constantly (or be thinking about them), and hide them in your heart. God's Word heals. God's Word, when used against Satan's lies and attempts to throw fear of sickness and disease on you (and any other fear) will defeat him every time.

Proverbs 4:23-24
"Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life. Avoid all perverse talk; stay away from corrupt speech."

What this has to do with weight loss:
How often do you allow the negative or hurtful things that other people say determine the course of your day, even your life? Even a careless word from a coworker can set you up for emotional eating. Don't give in to it. Guard your heart, and avoid that person. Resist the urge to "give back in kind." Your ears are not garbage cans, but your mouth shouldn't be one, either.

Prayer for Today:
"Heavenly Father, I want life and health. I want to be so full of Your Word that there's no room for sickness and disease. I want to know Your Word so well that when Satan tries to throw sickness on me, I immediately raise my Sword of the Spirit and speak Your Words of promise of health and long life. I know that if I can do that, he will turn tail and run. May I flex my spiritual muscles and effectively guard my heart and body. In Jesus' Name I pray. Amen."

Go forth today, strengthening your knowledge and use of God's Word, which is life and health to you and protection against fear of sickness and disease.

"Don't tell God how big your storm is; tell your storm how BIG your God is!"

     ObesityHelp Support Group Leader and Support Group Coach
on 5/26/09 7:52 pm - centereach, NY
Hello Mary. Good for you on coloring your hair. I have to tell you that this whole journey has changed my whole enitre life. If you ever have a couple of hours I can tell you all of it. I started at 270 that was my heaviest. I know think I am down about 70-80 pounds. I do not get on a scale I weigh myself at the doctor's office. Will be going Monday June 2nd. God has done tremendous things in my life. He brought me to this journey through a woman at tmy church and my surgeon is a Christian. What a strong Christ centered man he is. I could not have prayed for anything better for me. I know this was what God wanted me to do. I am healthy. I no longer have PCOS, Sleep Apnea, I am off my blood pressure meds and my thyroid meds. I only take my acid reflux meds. I am able to go to the gym, attempt 6 days usually 5. I can not thank God enough for this journey he has brought me through. I will ask you to pray for my mother. She has many physical issues along with her weight. I am praying that God will let her know if she should do this also. I feel it would beneift her a lot. I also thank God for you, how he uses you with not just the devotions everyday, which are a God send literally. I also see some posts you send to other people and you are just a wonderful Woman of God. He uses you so much. I do not know if you know the impact you have on people's lives because of him. I praise God he is the center of you life and you are able to bless so many people. Thanks again. Have a blessed day.

In Christ



on 5/26/09 9:49 pm - Winfield, KS
Hi, Karyn.
It was so wonderful hearing just a bit of your story. I'd love to hear all of it! Feel free to feed the rest of it to me in bites, or call me (PM me for the number), and we can just have a chat fest. :)
I love how the Lord has used your surgery to heal your body, and I'll be praying that your mom will be open to it, too. How old is she? She may wonder if she's too old. As long as she's 65 years of age or younger, she should do it (in my humble opinion).
Thank you for the very kind things you said about me. I'm not so sure I deserve them, but if I've been used in anyone's life, it is totally God! :)
Have a wonderful day. Thanks for reading and replying. It was a joy.
"Don't tell God how big your storm is; tell your storm how BIG your God is!"

     ObesityHelp Support Group Leader and Support Group Coach