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Welcome, and we hope you come back often. If you ever have a need, post it here, as we love to pray!
However you found us, we're glad you're here! You can bookmark the forum at the top of the page, through OH's bookmarks. You can also use your internet Favorites, to bookmark the site.
Welcome, and we hope you come back often. If you ever have a need, post it here, as we love to pray!
"Don't tell God how big your storm is; tell your storm how BIG your God is!"
ObesityHelp Support Group Leader and Support Group Coach
ObesityHelp Support Group Leader and Support Group Coach
Thanks for the info. I will come back. I do have a prayer request. You see, I am 22 days lap band post op. I have done well, but a few days ago I got this incredible pain in my lower chest, upper tummy. It has kept me awake at night for 3 nights. I thought it might be that I got the stuck thing going on. called dr and nurse thinks ulcer flared up. My husband is in Puerto Rico until tomorrow. I have a 15 year old son but he does not know that I had the surgery (long story). Anyway, I am home with son and no one even knows I have had the surgery. The pain is a fearful pain. I'm trying to diagnose myself cause doctor's really don't have time to talk to you. About the same time, (I'm on a CPAP) my ears got incredibly stopped up (like swimmers ear). I read here on the forum that if you had lapband that you shouldn't use cpap according to one dr because it could blow air all the way into your stomach and stretch it and it would be very painful. So now I'm thinking that may be it as well.
I'm not really thinking it is ulcer cause I'm on nexium. I had missed a couple of doses so nurse decided that since I missed a couple that was the problem.
Bodies are complicated. But God knows every little part and I'm asking him in His infinite wisdom to make me better and to give me the wisdom to do what I need to do to be healthy.
I'm not really thinking it is ulcer cause I'm on nexium. I had missed a couple of doses so nurse decided that since I missed a couple that was the problem.
Bodies are complicated. But God knows every little part and I'm asking him in His infinite wisdom to make me better and to give me the wisdom to do what I need to do to be healthy.
Bless your heart. I'm sorry you're going through this without your husband being with you. I would strongly encourage you to call your doctor, and if you cannot get through to him, please go to the emergency room. It may be something as simple as trapped gas, but it could be something serious. I don't want to frighten you, but I've heard so many stories of people who have gotten in major trouble (or worse) because they hesitated to "bother" the doctor.
Of course, God can protect you and heal you, but He created us with the ability to use our mind, logic, etc. He also gifted doctors with knowledge, so we can benefit from that, too.
I am praying for you, for wisdom, for protection, and for direction. Please keep me posted.
Of course, God can protect you and heal you, but He created us with the ability to use our mind, logic, etc. He also gifted doctors with knowledge, so we can benefit from that, too.
I am praying for you, for wisdom, for protection, and for direction. Please keep me posted.
"Don't tell God how big your storm is; tell your storm how BIG your God is!"
ObesityHelp Support Group Leader and Support Group Coach
ObesityHelp Support Group Leader and Support Group Coach
Mary, I wish I was in Kansas I would come to your support group. You are such an encouragement. I really have a great big wonderful church 2 miles from my house, wonderful Sunday school, etc. And I didn't tell a single person there! I just know how critical people can be about WLS. I didn't have but 82 lbs to lose and now 66 and I knew the weight loss was slow so no need to broadcast and have everybody watching. I even went out of town to have surgery to keep it quite. Now I probably have something really bad wrong and THE WHOLE STORY WILL BE IN THE SUNDAY BULLETIN
Enough about my sillyness.
Well it is 5:30 am and I'm still suffering with pain. Left the cpap off, slept well. ears are better. chest pain or upper tummy pain terrible. now I'm thinking maybe it is my gallbladder because they did not take it. dr said it looked pretty. i was glad cause I like to keep all my body parts unless absolutely necessary.
My husband called last night from Puerto Rico. Our plan was for me to not answer the call. Two rings and a hangup meant all is well and I will see you tomorrow. if anything was wrong I should pick up. I decided to not worry him - what could he do from there anyway. He will be home tonight. Although I am calling dr. in 3 hours when they get in to the office and going to try to get an answer.
I really hate to go to the local emergency room. It is a great one, but I worked there for 10 years and I know about 10,000 people who work there. It will probably be announced over the intercom, GUESS WHO IS IN THE ER!! SHE HAD LAPBAND SURGERY

Well it is 5:30 am and I'm still suffering with pain. Left the cpap off, slept well. ears are better. chest pain or upper tummy pain terrible. now I'm thinking maybe it is my gallbladder because they did not take it. dr said it looked pretty. i was glad cause I like to keep all my body parts unless absolutely necessary.
My husband called last night from Puerto Rico. Our plan was for me to not answer the call. Two rings and a hangup meant all is well and I will see you tomorrow. if anything was wrong I should pick up. I decided to not worry him - what could he do from there anyway. He will be home tonight. Although I am calling dr. in 3 hours when they get in to the office and going to try to get an answer.
I really hate to go to the local emergency room. It is a great one, but I worked there for 10 years and I know about 10,000 people who work there. It will probably be announced over the intercom, GUESS WHO IS IN THE ER!! SHE HAD LAPBAND SURGERY

Please know you are in our prayers. Please let us know how things are. Welcome to our group. I thank God everyday for the women who post on here especially Mary for her devotions. My whole office now reads her devotions everyday. She is a gift from God. Praying for peace for you through this journey.
In Christ
In Christ
I was praying this morning and reading Colossians2 and thought of you. I attend a huge church and my family has been attending the same church for 35 years. I was so cautious about telling anybody at first that I did not even tell my mother I was even thinking about surgery. I am a Medical Biller. When I was thinking about surgeons I went on my insurances website and found 4 names. I called the first three and they told me they did not take my insurance. The 4th one did. They set me up with the seminar. I was so happy that it was like 25 miles from my house so I could be anonymous( spelled wrong I am sure). I was praying the whole way their that this was what God wanted me to do. When I walked into this hotel at the end of the hallway was sitting a woman I know from church. She works for the surgeon. She is such a wonderful woman of God, teaches Sunday school, runs a woman's bible study, she is just awesome. She was so happy to see me and prayed for me the whole 2 hours I was in the seminar. When it was over everyone stood in line to make their appointments and she had mine already made. She told me God wants you to do this. She told me she would not say anything and then told me to tell my mother. I then thought about this whole being anonymous thing and decided I needed prayer and I needed it from prayer warriors. The woman in my chur*****luding all 7 pastor's wives have been nothing but wonderful to me about this whole thing. They all prayed with me and for me and praise God with me in my vicotory. My whole point in telling you this is that I thought how you did. How could I tell anybody. They will think I am a failure and I do not have enough faith in God or pray hard enough to loss this weight. They totally thought different. I thank God he changed my mind and had me tell them. I so appreciate their prayers and their wonderful thoughts for me and Praise God with me that he has brought me through this and made me healthy. Please pray about your decision to keep this quite you may be surprised at what people will do for you when they Love Christ first.
In Christ
In Christ
What a beautiful story. Evidently God placed people in your path just at the right time.
I have decided to go to the ER this morning. Going to my local hospital so I'm sure that it is only a matter of time before everybody knows. Hopefully, it will turn out like your story! I will think about sharing this. My 15 year old doesn't even know. 9 years ago I had a surgery that turned out just awful. I was sick and on home health for a year. I knew he would worry sick if I told him before and if I tell him after he will be so mad and rightfully so.
Thank you so much for encouragement.
I have decided to go to the ER this morning. Going to my local hospital so I'm sure that it is only a matter of time before everybody knows. Hopefully, it will turn out like your story! I will think about sharing this. My 15 year old doesn't even know. 9 years ago I had a surgery that turned out just awful. I was sick and on home health for a year. I knew he would worry sick if I told him before and if I tell him after he will be so mad and rightfully so.
Thank you so much for encouragement.