Thursday Coffee Talk
Good morning y'all. Time to rise and shine. Gotta spray them pits and eat those grits. HA! Right Dayner D? Today is going to be a wonderful day!
Our challenge for today is to not get so focused on money that it controls you. The love of money is the root of all evil. Boy, do I love money. We all do. The point is, do not love it to the point that it overtakes you and causes you to be controlled by it. People can get so money focused that they lose sight of what is important. Family is more important than money. Love is more important than money. Health is more important than money. The love of money can cause us to work ourselves into sickness. The love of money can cause us to become depressed (a lack of it). Money can cause us to do things we never thought we would do. The love of money can cause crime. DO NOT FOCUS ON MONEY! Don't love money so much that it is all we see. See the more important things in life.
So, who's up this morning? What cha sippin' on this morning? I'm enjoying some wonderful Boca Java Sunrise from my Secret Pal. Gotta love that Secret Pal of mine. They KNOW what I like. I better be careful or I could focus on my "love" for coffee. HAHAAHA! NOT! But I do love it. Lucy would shoot me if I put coffee before her. HEHEHEHE
Y'all have a wonderful and LOVE FOCUSED Thursday!!
Our challenge for today is to not get so focused on money that it controls you. The love of money is the root of all evil. Boy, do I love money. We all do. The point is, do not love it to the point that it overtakes you and causes you to be controlled by it. People can get so money focused that they lose sight of what is important. Family is more important than money. Love is more important than money. Health is more important than money. The love of money can cause us to work ourselves into sickness. The love of money can cause us to become depressed (a lack of it). Money can cause us to do things we never thought we would do. The love of money can cause crime. DO NOT FOCUS ON MONEY! Don't love money so much that it is all we see. See the more important things in life.
So, who's up this morning? What cha sippin' on this morning? I'm enjoying some wonderful Boca Java Sunrise from my Secret Pal. Gotta love that Secret Pal of mine. They KNOW what I like. I better be careful or I could focus on my "love" for coffee. HAHAAHA! NOT! But I do love it. Lucy would shoot me if I put coffee before her. HEHEHEHE
Y'all have a wonderful and LOVE FOCUSED Thursday!!
For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"