Life Plan Devotion #18 [on the QT]
Hi, Everyone.
I so enjoy your replies. I soak them up, and they echo back to me as God and I plan the daily devotion. If you see yourself in one of the devotions, you may be absolutely right! :) Keep the comments coming, please.
Life Plan Devotion #18 [on the QT]
This devotion is on the QT--Quiet Time, that is. How's your Quiet Time with the Lord, or do you even have one? A Quiet Time is just that, spending a few minutes of quiet with the Lord, in prayer, in the Word, writing in a journal, confessing sins, memorizing verses, singing, reading a devotion, enjoying God's creative hand outside, and even just being silent before Him so that you can listen for and hear His Voice.
Has your Quiet Time become an obligation or merely a habit, or are you ecstatic to have the privilege of coming into the presence of Almighty God, to praise Him, learn about Him, hear from Him, and see what assignment He has for you? Is your heart cold or on fire?
Just as any lover (one who loves), God longs for you to seek Him out, to desire to speak to Him and spend time with Him, just listening. Begin your day with Him, and you will find that your day will be aglow with His presence.
Matthew 6:6 [MSG]
"[Jesus said,] 'Here's what I want you to do: Find a quiet, secluded place so you won't be tempted to role-play before God. Just be there as simply and honestly as you can manage. The focus will shift from you to God, and you will begin to sense His grace.'"
What this has to do with weight loss: Sometimes we forget that God is interested in every aspect of our life. While He loves you just as you are, no matter what you weigh, He desires for your life and body to be healthy. After all, your body is His temple, and doesn't He deserve to live in a healthy one? You have an Advocate in the Lord. Spending time with Him will empower you to resist the food issues, the unhealthy activities, that got you to the place of obesity. Go to Him for help.
Prayer for Today:
"Heavenly Father, I know that You want me to find a quiet, secluded spot where no one but You is watching me, so I won't be tempted to pretend to be someone I'm not when I am with You. You just want me to be with You, simply and honestly. I want that, too, for I know that as I do that, the focus will shift from me to You, and I will begin to sense Your Grace. I pray that the time I spend with You today will be the most incredible time possible. Make me mindful always of the privilege of being in Your Presence, and help me to realize that I need to 'refuel' more often, so I won't 'run on empty.' I pray in Jesus' Name. Amen."
Go forth today, in the glow of an awesome Quiet Time.
I so enjoy your replies. I soak them up, and they echo back to me as God and I plan the daily devotion. If you see yourself in one of the devotions, you may be absolutely right! :) Keep the comments coming, please.
Life Plan Devotion #18 [on the QT]
This devotion is on the QT--Quiet Time, that is. How's your Quiet Time with the Lord, or do you even have one? A Quiet Time is just that, spending a few minutes of quiet with the Lord, in prayer, in the Word, writing in a journal, confessing sins, memorizing verses, singing, reading a devotion, enjoying God's creative hand outside, and even just being silent before Him so that you can listen for and hear His Voice.
Has your Quiet Time become an obligation or merely a habit, or are you ecstatic to have the privilege of coming into the presence of Almighty God, to praise Him, learn about Him, hear from Him, and see what assignment He has for you? Is your heart cold or on fire?
Just as any lover (one who loves), God longs for you to seek Him out, to desire to speak to Him and spend time with Him, just listening. Begin your day with Him, and you will find that your day will be aglow with His presence.
Matthew 6:6 [MSG]
"[Jesus said,] 'Here's what I want you to do: Find a quiet, secluded place so you won't be tempted to role-play before God. Just be there as simply and honestly as you can manage. The focus will shift from you to God, and you will begin to sense His grace.'"
What this has to do with weight loss: Sometimes we forget that God is interested in every aspect of our life. While He loves you just as you are, no matter what you weigh, He desires for your life and body to be healthy. After all, your body is His temple, and doesn't He deserve to live in a healthy one? You have an Advocate in the Lord. Spending time with Him will empower you to resist the food issues, the unhealthy activities, that got you to the place of obesity. Go to Him for help.
Prayer for Today:
"Heavenly Father, I know that You want me to find a quiet, secluded spot where no one but You is watching me, so I won't be tempted to pretend to be someone I'm not when I am with You. You just want me to be with You, simply and honestly. I want that, too, for I know that as I do that, the focus will shift from me to You, and I will begin to sense Your Grace. I pray that the time I spend with You today will be the most incredible time possible. Make me mindful always of the privilege of being in Your Presence, and help me to realize that I need to 'refuel' more often, so I won't 'run on empty.' I pray in Jesus' Name. Amen."
Go forth today, in the glow of an awesome Quiet Time.
"Don't tell God how big your storm is; tell your storm how BIG your God is!"
ObesityHelp Support Group Leader and Support Group Coach
ObesityHelp Support Group Leader and Support Group Coach
What a wonderful reminder that it is indeed a true priviledge to spend time with our loving Heavely Father! I know for a fact that the days I get up late, thinking I have to run and go without my prayer time are just never right. I start out frazzled and end the day that way too. It is such a priviledge to start each day with God so He can plan and work my day. There should always be time for God!