Monday Coffee Talk
Boy! Did I read the clock wrong! I thought it said 4:20! I'm an hour too early. Already have the coffee made and everything. Silly me was looking at the Digital cable box and 420 was the channel!! HA HA!
Our challenge for today is to look inside of you and find what is real to you. What do you believe in. What is real to you? Who is real to you? What matters to you most in your life is real. Grab hold of what is real and never let go. When you find what is real in your life, you have a passion for that thing. You want to cheri**** Today, find the real thing in you that you love, that you cherish, then grab it with all your might and hold on to it and never let it go.
So, who's up this early? What cha sippin' on? Me? I'm loving some awesome Maxwell House that my son bought me for Christmas. He knows his daddy very well. HAHA! The Maxwell House is good this morning.
Y'all have a wonderful day and know what's real in your life!
Our challenge for today is to look inside of you and find what is real to you. What do you believe in. What is real to you? Who is real to you? What matters to you most in your life is real. Grab hold of what is real and never let go. When you find what is real in your life, you have a passion for that thing. You want to cheri**** Today, find the real thing in you that you love, that you cherish, then grab it with all your might and hold on to it and never let it go.
So, who's up this early? What cha sippin' on? Me? I'm loving some awesome Maxwell House that my son bought me for Christmas. He knows his daddy very well. HAHA! The Maxwell House is good this morning.
Y'all have a wonderful day and know what's real in your life!
For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"