Devotion #32

on 9/15/08 10:32 pm - Winfield, KS
Hi, Everyone.
I ask for your prayers today. I am editing a book geared toward high school- and college-aged girls, to help them recognize the warning signs of guys who would be more apt to take advantage of them. There are 4 true stories of rape, and because I was raped at the age of 15, it is hard for me to distance myself from the stories and edit them. However, I know God is more powerful than the power of the words, and His grace is sufficient for me. Your prayers are greatly appreciated.
Today's devotion is from my personal journal dated May 10, 2007. As always, I love to hear from each of you. Let me know how God speaks to you today.

     I awoke this morning singing the old hymn Abide With Me, only I always change it to Abide With Thee, and I adjust some of the words. The reason is that I know God is willing to abide with me. It is I who must decide to abide with Him. "Abide with Thee, fast falls the eventide/ The darkness deepens, Lord, with Thee I abide/ When other helpers fail and comforts flee/ Help of the Helpless, Lord, I abide with Thee."  I knew the topic for today was "abiding."
     When I read or hear the word "abide," I immediately think of John chapter fifteen. I especially like verses 4-11, "Abide in Me...; he who abides in Me and I in him/her, he/she bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing... If you abide in Me and My words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. My Father is glorified by this, that you bear much fruit...; abide in My love. If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love;... These things I have spoken to you so that My joy may be in you, and that your joy may be made full."
     Truly stopping sinful habits (such as overeating) requires ongoing intimacy with God. Enjoying Jesus Christ Himself must replace the habit of overeating.
     If I remain in Jesus, my soul is nourished, I am fed, I grow, and I have true life. The Fruit of the Spirit, including the quality of self-control, proceeds from that. Any other attempt to bear fruit will be from my self and the flesh.
     Abiding in the love of Jesus makes my joy complete. If my joy in Jesus is complete, I will not have to look for it anywhere else, and my slavery to food addiction is broken.
     Abiding in Christ means to treasure Him as my greatest joy, throughout my day. It means beginning my day in prayer and in His Word, and then communing with Him as I go about my day.
     Any time I begin distancing myself from Christ, I will fall and that fall will manifest itself in overeating. I know that now. I must remain intimate with Him, enjoying fellowship with my Savior, moment by moment. The key to ongoing victory and fruitfulness is abiding.

Today, read the 15th chapter of John, the whole chapter. Prayerfully consider how well you are abiding in Christ. Without self-condemnation, take stock of how much fruit you are bearing for Christ, in your body and in your dealings with others. If anything is lacking, spend more time in prayer and in God's Word. Watch and listen to this video of a man playing "Abide With Me" on a pipe organ he made. Use the words written above, and sing as he plays. 1d2d7c

"Don't tell God how big your storm is; tell your storm how BIG your God is!"

     ObesityHelp Support Group Leader and Support Group Coach
on 9/16/08 12:40 am - Princeton, WV
You are in my prayers.  When I pray, I have always felt guilty to ask God for "things" like weightloss.  I feel like he has given me so much, I should not ask him for something I "want".  I always thought   "There are people starving and homeless, and I am asking to be thinner." .  But since I have started this journey with the surgery, I have come to realize that it is ok to ask him for that.  I realize that he wants me to "give it all to him.".  He cares about my worries and fears.  Sometimes I have a hard time  "Letting go and let God.".  I keep giving it to him, but then I turn around and jerk it back out of his hands.  Someone told me one time, How can God help us if we keep taking it back?  That is so true.  And everything you said in your Devotion is true, as long as I stay with him, and abide by him nothing is to " little".  That is what he wants.  He wants me to give him my small things as well as large.  Thank you, sometimes hearing from someone else their concerns and fears helps you with your own.  I have gotten away from reading my Bible like I used to.  Hearing from you and reading your daily Devotions is getting me "back on track".  So thank you again.  Cindy
on 9/16/08 12:57 am - Winfield, KS
Hi, Cindy.
Thanks for your reply, and thanks for praying for me. God wants us to come to Him, for every one of our needs and wants. He is our Heavenly Father, and He desires to be able to bless us, just like any other daddy. We do have to align our lives with God's Word, for He put those things in place for our good. We are not going to be perfect at it, this side of Heaven, anyway, but we should be on the Way of Holiness.
As you seek God through prayer and His Word, you will be delighted by how God will speak to you, transform you, and use you for His Glory. God bless you, as you seek Him. It's going to be awesome!
"Don't tell God how big your storm is; tell your storm how BIG your God is!"

     ObesityHelp Support Group Leader and Support Group Coach
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