Wednesday Coffee Talk
Well good morning everyone! It's hump day! The week is 1/2 over. The year is OVER half way gone. Where does time go? BUT! We are concerned with today. Today is going to be a beautiful day. HOT! But beautiful. STAY COOL! DRINK PLENTY OF WATER! This heat is dangerous!
Our challenge today is to think before we speak. To often, we let our mouths overload our minds. Meaning, we speak w/o thinking and then it gets us into trouble. Words hurt. Words destroy. Words kill. We need to guard our minds, hearts, and mouths. Sticks and stones do hurt, but words hurt a LOT MORE and cut a lot deeper. We have all had things said to us that hurt. We've all said things to others and hurt others as well. Today, lets guard our mouths and think before we speak. Even in volunteering to do things we can speak too fast. HA! I know of this one way too good! We can surely put ourselves in a bind too when we speak w/o thinking! I dare you to accept this challenge everyday. I'm challenging ME today too! Wanna join me?
So! Who's up this morning? What cha sipping on? Me? I'm loving me some Boca Java Deep Blue Blueberry coffee. The stuff is awesome! You'd love it! I just know it. Want a cup?
Ya'll have a wonderful, blessed, cool and thought FULL day!
Good Morning Randall,
I must share that the Lord has been able to help me change a behavior with my mouth. There was a time when I would blurt out anything that came to mind, and usually hurt the listener and/or the people my words were directed toward. God taught me self-control, and how to keep my mouth shut most of the time.
I am sipping iced green tea. I don't have the energy to make my coffee yet.