Thursday Coffee Talk
Well! Good morning! Hope you slept as good as I did! Like a rock! Sorry to steal Chevy's theme! HEHEHEE I really did sleep good though. Now, a new day is here! It is gonna be a good one too! Right?!
Our challenge for today is to get your water in. I notice that I have been slacking on my water. Sure, I'm getting in my coffee, but does that count as water intake? I can't stand the taste of water alone, so I have to add my Crystal Light. I have to get more in! Can you say you get in your water everyday? Will you accept this challenge not only for today, but everyday? Water intake will EXPLODE your weight loss chances. Water load 30 minutes before you ea****er load an hour after you eat! See what happens! I vow to do this challenge today. Will you join me?
So, what cha sippin' on this morning? Me? I'm LOVING this coffee that my sweet friend Carmen sent me. It's called Angel Mist. It has the smoothest sweetest flavor to it. It's so good! THANKS CARMEN!! I love it!
Ya'll have a blessed, wonderful and WATER LOADING Thursday!