Wednesday Coffee Talk
Good Wednesday morning everyone! Time to rise and shine! It's gonna be a glorious day! The sun is gonna shine and it's gonna be a warm day, but our hearts are gonna make it warmer. Right?
Our challenge for today is to reach out to a young person today. Whether it is your OWN child, a niece or nephew, or a friend's teenager, reach out to them today. Just say something kind to them. I'm telling you, as a Youth Pastor and father of 2 teens, I SEE and HEAR WAY MORE than I want too sometimes! If you are a parent, be concerned about your child/children and what they are doing. Be concerned with WHO they hang out with. Have my kids done anything to cause this coffee talk? No, but one of their "companion" friends is facing something you wouldn't believe all due to a parent NOT really caring. Not being there. We as adults can sow into their lives and make a difference. Let's do this today. Even if you don't have young adults/kids at home, you can still let them know you care. You'd be surprised at how many young people today are STARVING for an adult to show some concern to them!
So, who's up? What cha sipping on? Me? I'm LOVING me some New England Caramel Apple Coffee. Reminds me of fall, festivals, and carnivals. It's SO good! I think I'll take a cup and head to the porch swing to do say prayers and meditate for a few minutes. See ya in a little bit!
Have a great day and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE reach out to a youth today! Love you all!!
Randall ![](
Good morning Randall!! Well, I'll be reaching out to my girls today and making them help me clean house! LOL The house we are renting is actually for sale and someone wants to look at it tonight. At least they give us plenty of warning. Unfortunately, my family (including myself) is nothing but a bunch of slobs. LOL My attitude can make all the difference in my girls. If I get them up with an angry attitude, then it makes for a really bad day but if I get them up in a happy mood then it makes for a much better day for all of us. No matter how old your children are they still just want to hear that you love them. I agree with you, you have to be involved in your kids lives. I'm one of those parents that won't allow my kids to have a computer in their room. I like to see what they are doing on the computer and my girls love the computer. Anyway, enough rambling.
My youngest daughter has been taking a science course through a correspondence school trying to pass the 7th grade. She takes her final tomorrow at 10 am and I would appreciate your prayers. I also heard from some friends over in GA and one of the couples we were friends with is separated and getting a divorce. There are 3 children involved. Please keep them in your prayers. Their names are Bill and Sharla. I can't remember the kids names but God knows them.
Anyway, I had better get with it. I've got plenty to keep me busy today. Have a blessed day!
Our oldest grandson is with us this week. He is attending baseball camp at the Univ. of Miami. Mornings have been hard to get him up but eventually he gives a good stretch and gets dressed. I really enjoy talking to him on our drive in the AM and PM and we just spent about an hour in the pool having some fun.....It's been a good week thus far!
I totally agree with "reaching out to today's youth". There are so many that are missing that model in even a parent! We need to continually remember this generation in our prayers!
Have a good evening.