Wednesday Coffee Talk
Good Wednesday morning everyone! I pray you had a great nights rest. I slept a good solid 5 hours in this hospital cot. Sure was good sleep too. LOL Best as could be expected. Allison has had a great nights sleep. Thank you all for your prayers for her. She truly is a blessed little lady and she received a miracle in her life this week!
That is our Challenge for today. Expect a miracle. If you expect, you will get. If you never expect miracles, then they will not come your way. You have to have faith and you have to believe! When you do those 2 simple things, you can get the miracle you need in your life. OH, you may say, "Miracles don't really happen". Well, that is unbelief and doubt and with those two thoughts, you WILL NOT get a miracle. BELIEVE my friend. They do happen today! Allison is LIVING proof. I am living proof. Expect YOUR miracle today!
So, who's up? What cha sippin' on? Me? I'm loving this hospital coffee. Sure isn't as good as my Latte' from Carmen and John yesterday, but it is GOOD coffee.
Ya'll have a great Miracle expecting Wednesday!