Tuesday Coffee Talk
Good Tuesday morning everyone! Hope you slept as good as I did. I am SO relaxed! If you only knew how much I needed this trip. Not only to meet my new family, but just to get away. I miss Torey and Allison, but I get to talk to them anytime on the phone. Just miss their hugs. God has surely blessed me with this trip. It's awesome spending time with Lucy and her Parents. We all watched a movie last night. They felt bad watching it with us, but to me, I enjoyed their company! They are wonderful people! Just look at Lucy and you can tell how her parents are!
Our challenge for today is to have a YOU day. Do something for you! Buy YOU something. Enjoy something that will treat YOU! You deserve it! You work hard, you play hard, you are getting to goal or at goal so YOU deserve THIS DAY! ENJOY YOUR "YOU" DAY!!
So, what cha sipping on? Me? I'm loving this Harry & David Chocolate Peanut Butter Coffee! Sure is good! Want a cup? HEHEHHEE
Ya'll have an awesome day! I'll post pics of my Lighthouses later! WOO HOO!