Tuesday Coffee Talk
Before I do my coffee talk, I was wondering, "WHERE IS EVERYONE? WHERE HAVE YOU GONE?" There is NO one well, barely, here on the Christianity Forum any more? I miss you guys! I know I don't reply, but I do pray and I DO miss seeing posts. PLEASE! Come out of lurk mode on this forum. We NEED each other! I need ALL of you. I'll get off my soap box now. HEHEHEHEHE
Good morning everyone! Time to rise and shine. This is a NEW day and it's going to be great. How'd you sleep? I slept soooo good. Torey made it home from the Senior Cruise around 10 last night. He had a blast!
Our challenge today is to be real. Be real in ALL you do. No one likes someone who is fake or tries to be something or someone they aren't. Just be you. If you are you, you are real and more people will want to be around you. Fake people are transparent and can be seen through. Real people are honest and sincere. So, be real today and let others see the HONEST you!
Who's up this morning? What cha sipping on? Me? Believe it or not, I haven't moved to coffee yet. I'm still sipping on my Honey Lemon Lipton Green Tea. I love the stuff. I'll be making a pot of Chocolate Covered Cherry coffee in a few minutes.
Ya'll be blessed today as you are real ALL day EVERY day!

Randall, I'm here, just one of those lurkers. I also lurk on the AL board.
Just never have much to say.
I'm sipping on my usual Folgers 100% columbian coffee with splenda and creamer. Hey, I saw ya'lls pics on the AL board, you both look great and so happy! I'm so happy for both of you! Tell Lucy she looks fantastic!

Hey girl, you look great!!! I know, this board is slow but I continue to check in anyway. Like I said, I just never have much to say. Kat used to post prayers and thankful fors but I haven't seen her in a while. I pray she is okay. We really do need to be more active. Maybe we can get this board going again.