It's 4:15 AM and I grateful..........
Well, it's done. I finished my BIG project paper for Community ended up being about 30 typewritten pages...some graphs.....lots of statistics, too (yuck!) I'm not sure if I should go to bed since I will have to be up in less than 2 hours for work. I pray God will give this body some strength for the day. He has definitely allowed me strength to get through the last couple of days and nights working on the project.
I heard a wonderful message this morning thru my internet church, gochristfellowship.c...... The message was about "loving deeper"....last week's message title was "talking sweeter"....yes, these are words from Tim McGraw's song "Live Like You Were Dying". It's a wonderful sermon/message series.
This week I want to continue talking sweeter and loving deeper! God bless.
Good am,
Glad you got your project completed. I'm sure you are feeling accomplished in spite of feeling tired as well. I pray you get a couple solid hours or rest and work is low key and smooth. That song is AMAZING and speaks volumes. I'm a lyrics gal and tend to look for ways to the Lord through music.
All best,