Tuesday Morning Coffee Talk
Good Tuesday morning everyone. Time to rise and shine. It's going to be a wonderful day!
Our challenge today is to not be hung up on YOU. The world does not revolve around you. It's not all about you. Sure, you are important, but if you are always focused on you, you don't see the world around you. Be humble, think about others. When you think about others, then you start to see others and their needs. You aren't focusing on you and your needs alone. When you see it's not all about you, you'll want to do for others. WOW! What a wonderful world we would live in if we would all just do this. We can make a difference, focusing on others and not US!
So, who's up this morning? What cha sipping? Me? I'm enjoying some awesome Maxwell House regular blend. I'm saving some good flavored stuff for in the morning. That'll be the last time for the flavored coffee till I get back from the Bahamas! I'm almost packed! The coffee talk will still be posted. Our sweet Dayner Dee has agreed to copy and paste them for me. I gotta get busy and type them up and send them to her. Someone asked me yesterday how I come up with these challenges. I just wake up in the morning and aske God, "Ok, what do I need to work on today? What can help others also?" Then I roll with it.
I pray you all have a wonderful Tuesday!

Good Morning Randall,
Max Lucado has a terrifc book called "It's Not About Me." I recommend it to everyone. When I take the focus off of me, and try to think of others, my problems seem so much less.
I hope you have a blast in the Bahamas. That is awesome. Be safe and have fun.
I am sipping my iced green tea, about to go make a pot of Christmas Blend. Almost done that bag, and will have to go back to Maxwell House.
Have a great trip.
Hi Randall,
You are so right that it is not all about me or any of us for that matter! It's kind of a joke between my hubby and I that we tease our little terrier dog about his attitude. I am always telling him, "You know Eddie, it's really not all about you!" lol He never seems to get the point. I wonder if that's how God looks at us sometimes. Why don't we get it? We are slow learners in this life but hopefully each day as we learn to know the Lord better, we will be more like Him.
I'm drinking my sf decafe cappachino. Have a wonderful evening.