Thursday Coffee Talk
Good Thursday morning! Time to rise and shine! How'd you sleep? I slept like a rock! The teens last night wore me out. HEHEHEHE We had a blast. 38 of 'em! We started with 3 and are growing every week. Dunno what I'd do w/o all those young people. They keep ya on yer toes!
Our challenge today is to "STOP"!! See the red light, the caution light, and the stop signs! Stop what? Doing anything that is destructive to you! What are you doing that could harm you? Are you finding yourself falling back in to your old eating habits? Are you sneaking a bit of something here and a taste of something there? Are you not getting in your water, your vitamins or your calcium? THEN STOP RIGHT NOW! Just make up in your mind that you are going to do what you are suppose to do to make this "TOOL" work. I dare you! NO MORE SUGAR! NO MORE SODAS! NO MORE SNEAKING HERE AND THER! Set your mind and just "STOP"! See the stop signs and the caution lights in front of you. We had this surgery to get "thin". To change from the unhealthy people that we saw. To get to a goal that we, along with our Dr. set. Don't blow this wonderful tool that has been placed in your hands! I CHALLENGE YOU to start doing the things you are suppose to do! You CAN do this! You CAN make it work for you! Get back to the basics and STOP old habits!
So, who's up? What cha sipping on? Me? I'm enjoying some coffee I actually dreded trying. Raspberries and cream. It's actually good! What about you? What are you enjoying this morning?
Ya'll have a blessed and wonderful Thursday! Remember to STOP!!

Thanks Randall. I needed someone to point to the stop sign. Lately I have found myself grazing my way through the day. Sometimes we all need someone to just talk straight to us. There is a verse in Isaiah that I chuckle along with (since I can identify with it so well) it begins, "The Lord spoke to me with a strong hand..."
Thanks for speaking with a strong hand to me today.