Friday Coffee Talk
Wanna do the Friday dance? I'm sure someone will join me! WOO HOO for Friday. We are going to have a wonderful day. Someone will get a raise! Someone will get a promotion. Someone will get approved for WLS! MOST OF US WILL LOSE A POUND OR MANY! It's going to be a SUPER Friday!
Our challenge today is to have a YOU DAY! Do something, anything for YOU! Treat yourself to something and enjoy it! We haven't had a YOU day in a while. Enjoy yourself today!
So, who's up? What cha sipping on? Me? I'm enjoying some wonderful Harry & David Coffee. Sure is good and hitting the spot!
Ya'll have a fun "YOU" day!
Randall ![](
Good Morning Randall,
I feel like I have been having a lot of "YOU" days since my surgery. But, I know what you mean. Today has me going to a doctor's appointment, and doing a lot of things that are good for me.
I am sipping my homebrewed sugar free iced tea, about to go get my Maxwell House coffee. I am boring. I don't drink fancy coffees. I like plain, black coffee, no flavors.
Have a super Friday.