Yes...I am still alive...LOL
Hi to all of my friends! I have been gone for quite a few months...but with good reason. Many of you may remember that we moved to SC...I was pregnant and put on bedrest...admitted several times for pre-term labor and we also were building a new house. Well..the house was finished and I had the baby we expected. We were blessed to make it to 36 weeks. Daniel "Luke" was born really quickly...and was really small...and has some issues we have had to deal with. He ended up back in the hospital at two weeks. He should be fine eventually...but he has to play catch up in the meantime. He has been on lots of meds, but finally we are able to wean him off of some. So...keep little Luke in your prayers...and mommy too...cause mommy is tired and does not get much free time right now. It is so worth it though!
It is great to see that some of my Virginia friends have joined us!
Joanie...I have tried sending you emails...and they got sent back???? Do you have a new email address???
If anyone has myspace...let me know so I can add you. I said I would never do it...but have found it to be a great way to keep up with my favorite Christian well as a ministry tool.
I will be here when I can...but time is very limited right now. Please know that I think of you guys often and you are always in my prayers!