Brusied and Bloodied from the DS board, but I survived

on 12/23/07 12:32 am - Huntsville, AL
*blathering tantrum snipped* Quoting Judy ----->"By the way.....I didn't say ALL dsers are unhappy....just those who would stoop to all manner of unkindness to promote it."---------end quote That's NOT what you said, but alright, I'll play. ANY kind of promotion is considered unkind and "cruel" by many, as YOU YOURSELF KNOW FIRSTHAND, hypocrite:,messageboard/action,replies/board_id,5465/cat_id,5 065/topic_id,3456918/,messageboard/board_id,5357/cat_id,4957/topic_id,345 7125/action,replies/
on 12/23/07 1:17 am - WA
Ok bout we just let you have your way. How bout we just say....LEANN IS ALWAYS RIGHT ABOUT EVERYTHING! THERE now.......maybe you can moooovvvveee onnnnn.......and do your victory dance..... Whatever you want.......whatever you need....... I have better things to do.....
on 12/23/07 1:27 am - Huntsville, AL
You obviously have better things to do. Try hard to make them CHRISTLIKE, aight?
on 12/22/07 7:26 am - WA
Runnin out of steam I see......resorting to calling me names...a liar is it? NOT ME HONEY! The way you work is all so predictable it's funny. will probably say I am not worth your time OR bring out some OTHER personal I'm mentally ill.....crazy......fat and ugly....dillusional, a STUPID CHRISTIAN or whatever....NOT that I've seen these types of things from you before or anything. And ALL BECAUSE I HAVE AN OPINION THAT YOU DON'T LIKE.... PISHAW INDEED! MMMOOOVVVVEEEE's your OWN advice....oops....did I break a copyright rule????
on 12/22/07 3:53 am - WA
"shook the dust and it will be like sodom and gomorrah for them in the end. Sad, but true" says who? you? Opinion or fact? Says God Almighty....Creator of the Universe......if you have a problem with what HE says......take it up with Him....I DARE YA!
on 12/22/07 11:38 am - Huntsville, AL
Well, you ATTEMPTED to take up the cause, but couldn't take the heat; so don't pretend you don't understand that ALL the message forums are full of divisiveness and "NUTS" at times. Remember this?:,messageboard/action,replies/board_id,5465/cat_id,5 065/topic_id,3456918/,messageboard/board_id,5357/cat_id,4957/topic_id,345 7125/action,replies/
Elizabeth N.
on 12/23/07 3:08 am - Burlington County, NJ
on 12/23/07 9:32 am - WA
No.......not bs........ Here it is........ If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, shake the dust off your feet when you leave that home or town. 15I tell you the truth, it will be more bearable for Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgment than for that town. MATTHEW 10:14, 15
(deactivated member)
on 12/23/07 9:44 am - TX
Why don't you show me where in the bible it says that the DS board on OH is going to be like sodom and gomorrah? or has it be rewritten since you joined OH?
Laurie LOVES her DS
on 12/22/07 10:58 am - Southern, CA
Quote -------> "Wow, You really DID get beat up.....and I warned ya! I am so sorry you had to see it first hand and hoped you would be able to stay and keep posting, in spite of.....even tho I couldn't do it. I too....shook the dust and it will be like sodom and gomorrah for them in the end. Sad, but true. I will never post there again (unless there is change for the better) because we all know it's about to self destruct anyway. I truly believe that they are doing far more harm than good for the DS because when newbies come seeking information and see all the cruelty and arrogant maligning....they have to ask themselves....WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE? If they are so totally unhappy........what's so great about the DS. They have to wonder......if THIS is what the DS does for people......who wants it? I myself have been doing more research into the RNY for just this reason. Seriously.....maybe the malabsorption of vitamins and minerals makes them NUTS! Anyone who can take something kind and loving (like your prayer request post) and turn it into something cruel and heartless has something wrong with them imho. Glad to see you here cause I know you have lots of good to contribute to those who want it! God Bless You, Judy" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JUDY, DO YOU KNOW HOW RIDICULOUS YOUR POST SOUNDS? Not only your comment about Sodom and Gomorrah, but also the part about you looking in to the RNY because the malabsorption of the DS makes DSers NUTS ... makes me WONDER if YOU are the one that is nuts! I dunno what kind of Christian YOU are, but as a Christian myself, I've always been taught to treat others fairly, or better yet, in a CHRIST-LIKE manner. Laurie
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