I just got blasted by a fellow traveler on this road to weight loss and fitness! And of all things for supporting another fellow who was hurting and reaching for her faith to pull her through. I responded with His word, to edify and lift her up.
Anyway, I am apparently offensive and am expected to practice patience and tolerence of those who do not share my faith-as they express theirs, yet if I want to express mine in support of another sister, I am to do it only on this (Christianity) forum.
I am hurt, feeling rejected and disappointed by the bigotry of it all.
I am just sharing my fleshes reponse to this and will pray for our intolerant fellow traveler over the Holiday Season.
God Bless, Christine
Good am Christine -
Do not let this get you down! Unfortunately this happens more than you know. This is NOT the only place to post your thoughts, feelings & beliefs. Your opinion is just as important as anyone else who posts/replies on this board. Please do not give up instead keep lifting others up in prayer and give things to the Lord. Pray for the Lord's acceptance, guidance, strength and courage to forge ahead and again do not let others get to you. Its the Devil getting in their hearts, souls & minds.
All best, God bless & Happy Thanksgiving - Kat