No Gossip Zone
No Gossip Zone
For every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment. (Matthew 12:36)
There was a story on Good Morning America today about people getting fired for office gossip. Recently in New Hampshire, four office workers were fired for gossiping in the workplace.
Gossip is harmful.
Gossip in hateful.
Gossip is toxic.
And gossi******
The Bible commands us not to gossip. Some people excuse their gossiping by saying they are merely expressing their opinion. However, gossip is anything you say behind a person's back that reveals personal or sensational facts about him or her that might harm or intend to cause harm to their reputation. Anything you say that undermines another without that person being present to set the record straight is gossip.
Gossip hurts the person who tells it, the person who hears it, and the person who is the subject of it. You might not lose your job for gossiping. You won't lose your salvation for gossiping, but you will have to stand before God in the day of judgment and give an account for gossiping (Matthew 12:36) And that should be reason enough to make your home, your workplace, your church, your community, and your heart a "No Gossip Zone."
** This is something I have been working on to improve . And I now think before I speak .. I really found this particular message directed at me ... I wanted to share ..***