Double Wow moment and Praise
Isn't it funny how we sometimes "think" we have done something, only to find that we did not do the something we thought we did. Long story short, I was sure I had posted a prayer request and was surprised that no one sent a "we are praying for you" email. Well my first wow moment was when I got the results back from my doctor regarding my original prayer request - I was being looked at closely because the doctors were concerned that I might have Hodgkins Disease. Well the wow is that I do not have Hodgkins but I have mono (the dreaded high school kissing disease! - LOL). The good news on this is that I am already starting to feel better so Yeah!!!
Now the 2nd WOW is that I looked back over the old posts and I never posted a prayer request. Now that isn't the wow - the wow is that God hears our prayers even when we forget to "post them". Isn't he amazing!
Love Sally
Sally..that is certainly a praise report for sure and also a Jeremiah 33:3 truth. He says "Call upon Me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things of which you know not." We have but to call upon Him. Who do we run to first? He hears our cries.
So glad it is mono and not the other, but HE can be called upon for Mono too. Thanks Lord for hearing Sally's cry for help and mercy and continue to heal her Father..In Jesus' Mighty Name Amen