Friday Coffee Talk
Ya'll do the dance with me! Today is FRIDAY and it is also my Mom's WLS date! WOO HOO!
Today's challenge is kind of a shelfish one on my end, but would you help me fill up my Mom's support page? Also, could you keep her in your prayers and thoughts today? I KNOW she's going to do fine. She has so many health issues and I know healing comes in MANY ways. I believe this will be her healing. I love my Momma and I'm so glad she finally decided to LIVE! She is very excited. We are headed out. It is after 2 a.m. and she is the first surgery. We have a 3 hour trip ahead of us, but she's got a longer one that will be well worth it!
I'm not having coffee yet, but as soon as I can get to my little scooter store down the street, I'll be getting the LARGEST cup o joe they have! LOL
Ya'll have a blessed and wonderful Friday. Here is her support page link....THANKS AGAIN!