
WORD for Today!!

on 10/24/07 4:29 pm - Luverne, AL
Good Morning everyone!!!!! I KNOW you all had a wonderful sleep!!!!! God is going to bless you all today and I pray that today you would feel His presence with you in all that you do!! He loves you!! Today, some of you are facing some major things in your life and I want to encourage you to keep pressing on into that which God has called you to! Does this mean ministry? Not necessarily, it could be a career, family, school, or anything that you know in your heart you are supposed to be doing. Its soo easy to get distracted (Satan causes distractions too!) and get our eyes off of that which God has told us to do. He wants us to keep moving on, pressing on, persevering, because one day, when the time arrives for us to step up and do it, He knows that we will not remember all the pain and suffering it took to get there. We will be soooo happy to see what is in front of us that we forget what is behind us!!! He wants us to develop into the person he destined us to be! In John 16:20-22, it says: I assure you, most solemnly I tell you, that you shall weep and grieve, but the world will rejoice. You will be sorrowful, but your sorrow will be turned into joy. A woman, when she gives birth to a child, has grief (anguish, agony) because her time has come. But when she has delivered the child, she no longer remembers her pain (trouble, anguish) because she is so glad that a man (a child, a human being) has been born into the world. So for the present you are also in sorrow (in distress and depressed); but I will see you again and [then] your hearts will rejoice, and no one can take from you your joy (gladness, delight). Now in this scripture , it is referring to Jesus leaving/dying, everyone being sad, but then rejoicing because everyone will see Jesus again. HOWEVER, I believe this applies to our life and the things we have endured. So many people out there are hurting, emotionally bruised, have lost there way in life, and God is trying to tell them to look up to Him and He promises us that after all the things we have gone through, there will be a much happier, peaceful time because now we are ready and prepared to do that which He has called us to do! AMEN!!! AND we will be able to help others along the way who are at the same places in life we have been and have conquered!! He has big plans for you, they not only affect you but affect everyone around you and in your life!!! So what does this mean? Its a choice. You can choose to keep pressing on or you can quit. Do you realize if you quit, that the people around you will be affected as well. If you become very depressed, sad or just decide you don't want to go on anymore. Take a look around at the people in your life and see how they would be affected by that one decision to quit! You don't realize it, but everyone would be affected, including those you have never met yet!! God isn't going to force you to do something you don't want to. If you choose not to, than you will go on in life, but it won't be the best that God intended you to have. However, if you choose to do His will, than you are choosing to Live the best life He has for you!!! AMEN!!! Thats why he wants you to keep pressing on so that when the time comes, You will have such joy that no one can take it from you!! You are fulfilling that destiny he Has for you!! WOOHOO!! This gets me excited!!!! Sooo.........I pray that you all will keep pressing on no matter what is front of you!! God is going to bless you beyond what you ever dreamed!! He wants you to be happy, at peace and filled with joy!! I love all of you!! Lucy