
WORD for Today!!

on 10/17/07 7:50 pm - Luverne, AL
Good Morning everyone!!! I pray you had an awesome night and sleep!!! I couldn't believe I went to bed early. It rained all night and that (the sound of rain) always makes me want to sleep. I was tired!! LOL Today I wanted to talk to you about God's faithfulness!! Do you know that God is interested in what concerns you!! You may think that something isn't important, but to God it is. Why?? Because its important to YOU!!! He cares about all areas of your life!! He wants to be your best friend!! If you have a need or situation that you have been waiting for, God IS Faithful and WILL take care of it. Its not maybe, or if he wants to. He WILL take care of it. We have to trust, rely and depend on Him to do this. Meaning we have to take our hands off it and let God do it! Sometimes we put God in a box and think he is going to supernaturally take care of something the same way all the time. NOPE!! God has different ways of doing things. Sometimes, he will give you an idea that is going to cause you to increase financially, or maybe a promotion. Or He may only give you one word and its enough to change your life forever. It could be anything. Maybe an open door to a new ministry. New relationships. God knows your need AND He knows exactly how to fulfill it. In fact He already knows the solution. Its waiting there for Him to give to you in the right time. Then why wait?? In James 1:4, it reads, "But let endurance and steadfastness and patience have full play and do a thorough work, so that you may be [people] perfectly and fully developed [with no defects], lacking in nothing." AMP God is trying to develop patience in you, which to me is the hardest thing to do. He wants you to learn this because it will help you to develop into the mature christian he wants you to be!! Afterall, God's timing is not our time. AMEN!! He is faithful and will meet you where you are at. Those things you are concerned about, thinking about, He will take care of them. We just have to be open to Him, keep our focus on Him and do His will!! All he asks is obedience!! My prayer for you today is that you would see that God is faithful, and that you would surrender all areas of your life to him!!! My advice to you is Watch! Look! See! God is going to bless you in ways you never thought of!!!! I love you all! Lucy