Daily Prayer Requests 15th October 2007
Good am all,
Continued prayers please for our friend Betsy who is still recovering from surgery, for Lena and her family hoping they've gotten good news regarding moving, for my Mom and finding another position in which she is even happier and more fulfilled, my sister and her boyfriend as my nephew and her boyfriend's son caused a disruption at their apartments last pm that will cost a bit of money and for my coming out of this "funk" I seem to have hanging over me. I hope each and every one of you are doing well this am. Give a little shout out would ya?
Enjoy your day!
I have a prayer request for myself. I'm scheduled to have my lap band surgery on Fri. and I woke up this AM with a swollen jaw (looks like I got punched). I think I'm just grinding my jaw but will see my PCP tom. I'm praying that since I don't have a fever my surgeon will go ahead with the surgery. I've already started my blood thinner injections and would hate to have to stop and start all over again. So any prayer is greatly appreciated.