WORD for Today!!
Good Morning everyone!!! I hope you all had a wonderful sleep!!
In Psalm 37:4, it reads:
"Delight yourself in the LORD and He will give you the desires of your heart"
God has placed certain desires in our hearts for a purpose, to fulfill the plans he has for our lives!! The desires God places in your heart will also, along with His word, direct you in the way you should go. How do you know what these desires are?? They are the ones that cause you to go on further in your relationship with him, to reach out to others to bring them closer to Him, to fulfill that which he has called you to. This is not the same as human desires. In this scripture, He says He WILL give you the desires of your heart!! But first you have to do one thing, that is......delight yourself in the Lord. How do you do this??
In Psalm 1:2, it says:
"But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night."
So, the answer is we have to medidate day and night on His law, which is His word!!! That means think as much as possible on His word, medidate on it, "chew" on it....get it into your heart and soul. Not only will you see the desires being fulfilled, but the other desires in your life will change and begin to focus on him more!! AMEN!! While I am writing this to you I am also writing this to myself!!
I encourage you to begin to spend more time with Him and His Word! Think about it, reflect on it! You will notice a change in your life, attitude and how you see yourself and others!!
He LOVES you so much and He desires for you to be happy, fulfilled and at peace! AMEN!!
I pray that as you go through today that you would begin to desire to spend more time with the Lord, appreciate the blessings He has already placed in your life and that you would have hope for what He is about to do in it!! In Jesus Name!! AMEN!
I love you all!!