Daily Prayer Requests 2nd October 2007
Good am all,
Prayers going out this am for Brenda & her family with the struggling times they are having right now; Trish and her ex-hubby, his step-dad and g-father; us and our $ situation; others who are struggling in their life with situations that seem dire and unfixable. God we ask that you watch over us and protect us from evil. The Devil is at work with regard to many things. Help us continue to have hope and faith that you will see us through no matter what. We are tested in this life and thank you for allowing us to falter but picking us right back up. Continue to show us the right ways and bless us with the choices to know the difference between good and bad. One additional prayer request this am for me on a personal note - I have been dealing with an individual who for what ever their reasons has continued to create a hostile situation. I am asking that I continue being strong and not allowing the person to bring me down. Its been hard but I've made good choices and stuck with them in spite of wanting to react.
Have a GREAT Tuesday!