Daily Prayer Requests 27th September 2007
Good am all,
As we wake to another great morning let us come together and pray for one another that we might find the strength to push through what ever comes our way. When we are tried and tested let our faith and hope in God be met by His unconditional love. I have a few prayer requests this am. One being for that of one of my great friends who is struggling financially however, help is happening albeit slowly. His faith and hope he has struggled with but he has been reminded that the material things are not what is important. I believe at times it takes us losing everything before we really have it all. God has a plan for each and every one of us. We just need to hear Him. Another request for myself and our family. We've got some financial things to face with regard to take on another job in which the benefits information was a bit off and we are looking at expenses far beyond what we'd anticipated. We will get through it and be all right. Still another for the friends I talked with last night. One has come away from drug addiction and is doing wonderfully but has her moments. I have been through alcohol addiction myself and helping one another....that is the best gift. I am happy she's made the choices to change her life as I have. Its truly inspirational when you have gone through something dark only to come out the other side realizing its not a freight train once you've gotten there. And, of course many prayers to you all here.
Have a lovely Thursday!

Good morning,
If I may, I have a few prayer requests this morning.
Please pray for my son who has an addition to alcohol, that he finds the strength to turn his life around. Also, that he might start going to church with me which I believe would help him greatly.
Also, my other son and his wife are going through invitro fertilization and may just have the embryos transferred on the same day as my surgery. Wouldn't that be wonderful for 2 new beginnings.
That brings me to my 3rd. Please pray for my surgery to go well and that my journey will be just what I have been praying for.
Good am-
Prayers are coming you and your family's way. I know very well about alcohol addiction. Its a tough road but I am a testament to going through it and coming out the other side and life CAN and DOES get better and healthier. With God's help and my true support system of family/connections I am PROUD of myself for my accomplishments and beating alcoholism. I have faith and hope your son will too. I will pray your other son and dil are with child and things go wonderfully. And, many prayers for you that your surgery goes well. Keep me/us posted!
Have a WONDERFUL day!

I ask for prayers today that I may find it in me to act with grace and humbleness in the face of people who are not happy that I got that 2nd promotion!!! I know that GOD is the one that blessed me with that job!!! I prayed and prayed over it when I applied...I am still learning how to give things over to God and so I prayed that if God saw favor for this in my life, that he would put it into my grasp. Others are not happy with the outcome and seeking to drag down my spirits because of it. I refuse to feel bad for my achievements and blessings!!! I ask God to remind every day that I am where I'm at because of Him, not because of me even!!
Hey Lena-
LOVE your response! You WILL find that strength! I have faith you will! Learning to give things to God is never ending but we TRY and that's important. I too am dealing with others not being happy about MY accomplishments and for more than just a little bit of time they've tried their best to drag me down but I too have refused to feel bad about my blessings and achievements too. God is AMAZING and truly in my life. Passing something along to ya..."some people grow up and spread cheer; others just spread..." (fill in your words here) and also "people don't care how much you know; they just need to know you care." You deserve this and more and thanks for posting!
Enjoy your Thursday!

Please continue to pray for our housing situation. I'm not really sure at this point what we are going to do. The place we were hoping to buy will not pass FHA inspection so now we are back to square one and do not honestly know what to do. Also, our financial situation. My dh's job does not pay anything on family insurance so it would be really costly for us to get medical insurance through him. Pray for an answer with that and we all remain healthy. I know God has plans for us and I just pray we remain strong in faith and love through all of this.

Shel - many thoughts and prayers coming your way. I know that these are trying times for you and your family. We are facing some financial issues right now as well and I am praying that things come through for us as well. Please do your best to remain strong and smile and remind yourself of all the blessings you do have and know that you are being prayed for. God will get us all through our challenges.
Take care,

Dear Friends, I am promising to stop and pray for all of you today. You are my dear partners in this journey of life (not just WLS) and I count on all of you. My only request today is for my husband. He is being interviewed for a great job opportunity that would allow us to commute to work together, lunch together, support each other and participate in church funtions more often together. It seems perfect, but I am asking for prayer because perfect is only real if this is from God. Please help us to know the Father's will in this matter. Please pray that our decisions are right and that if this is truely from God, we will see the results we are hoping for. Love to you all.