
One Life to Live

on 9/25/07 10:27 pm
One Life to Live For whoever finds me finds life and receives favor from the Lord. (Proverbs 8:35) There is only one thing that all of us have in common. No matter who we are or where we reside, we have only one life to live. When we have only one of something, we tend to value it because we do not have a spare. WE DO NOT HAVE A SPARE LIFE! Since we have only one life to live, we should do what we can while we can because we do not know when we will become unable to do the things God has enabled us to do at the present time. God purposely gave us only one life to life to give everyone the same opportunity. Then God so graciously gave us all free will to live that one life the best we can to serve Him and to love others. We fail when we try to live our lives through others and/or allow others to live their lives through us. We are all equal when it comes to the one life we have. We might have more or less money than others. We might have more or less education than others. We might have more or fewer relatives and friends than others. But there is one thing that all of us have only one of. And that is one life to live. Let's live it God's way. Rev. Margaret Minnicks Director, The Way of Life www.the-way-of-life.org