I am so glad to be back on here!!!! Thank you Jesus!! I have missed you all!!
I was praying about what to right about tonight and this scripture came to mind.
Romans 6:16
Do you not know that if you continually surrender yourselves to anyone to do his will, you are the slaves of him whom you obey, whether that be to sin, which leads to death, or to obedience which leads to righteousness (right doing and right standing with God)? (Amp. Bible)
I was reading this scripture and it hit me "suddenly". How easy it is to become enslaved to something or someone. Many times we don't even realize it until we are fully entrapped in it. Many people think we are referring to a person when we are talking about enslaved, but my observation in ministry has been that people are more easily enslaved by/to things than to people. Why?? Its a deception issue. I believe Satan uses this as a means of distracting us from Jesus who is our salavation. If he can get our eyes off of Jesus, than he can easily do what he needs to. My obesity has been a distraction for me. My eating issues have been a distraction. I could go on with a whole list of issues, but the truth is, that these have been issues I have at some point surrendered myself to. Its a matter of choosing between life or death. For example: There is a beautful slice of chocolate cake on the counter. I have two choices here, one is: I could choose to devour that piece, which would produce guilt, pounds, etc.. OR I could choose to walk away from it. (Now I am not saying there is something wrong with chocolate cake, afterall chocolate has been a sixth food group for me and has topped the food pyramid many times for me. I am just using this as an example.) Sooo....if you walk away from it, you have chosen to eat healthier, not give into temptation and save yourself from gaining weight. I have for many years have been enslaved to food, either eating to much or even dieting too much which has caused me to focus on food all the time!!
I encourage you today to look at your life and see what things may be a distraction to you or have caused you to look away from Jesus. Then repent and begin to focus on Jesus and His will for your life. I have found sometimes, having to do this daily!! Once you are able to give God control and release those issues to Him, you will find the truth, peace and prosperity in all you do. Everything will fall into place because you are no longer enslaved to those things!! Praise God!!!! Remember, that I am speaking this to my self too!!
God Bless all of you!